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Achievement Issue with the GOG version of TOEM


New Member
Just getting this on record to help myself out, and anyone else who may run into the same problem.
For context; I already played TOEM roughly six months ago on Steam and got 100% achievement completion there. Decided to buy the GOG version today, and started a new game to get to work on doing 100% again.
I had barely walked a few steps in the room you start in, and suddenly I'm getting the "thousand miles" trophy for walking a huge distance. I went, "Huh?", and the next thing I know, a dozen more I knew I definitely didn't earn yet started popping up, including the one for achieving the big end goal.
I have no idea if GOG was somehow reading my old Steam data? Or for all I know, this is going to be a bug that happens to other people too, because it's still early days in that trophy leaderboard. So far, I'm only the third person to register achievements for it.
But yeah, I needed to report this, because I'm worried about it looking sketchy, you know? 😖
OK, now I know for sure some GOG games are reading my Steam save data.
Suddenly remembered when I ran the GOG version of Ravenous Devils for the first time, there was already a save file on it. Thought it was odd, wondered if it was from my Steam run, but ultimately didn't bother to confirm. Just started a new game and ignored it.
Decided to test the theory further by starting the GOG version of Lamentum for the first time today. Lo and behold, there's a save file already on it, which happens to have identical timestamps to my Steam run.
Luckily though, it looks like TOEM is the only one I've observed so far that gives you a wacky amount of unearned achievements at random.
If GOG games reading Steam save data is nothing new to anyone else here, I apologize for wasting forum space, but I was like holy crap when I finally realized. lol 😆
Maybe both the Steam and GOG versions use your Windows user folder (not a subfolder of the game's folder, or a Steam-specific folder).
Let me do a quick bit of Googling...
SteamDB seems to be helpful.

Steam TOEM's save file location indeed seems to be: "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Something We Made\TOEM\Save\" (source)
Maybe you can check if GOG also saves over there, for instance by renaming/backing up that directory temporarily and seeing if your GOG saves and/or progression are gone.

It doesn't show for Ravenous Devils, I guess because that particular page is actually called "cloud saves" which not every game support.

Lamentum uses "%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/Obscure Tales/Lamentum/SaveDemo". (source)
Ahh, I see! You know, that probably explains why achievements weren't popping for me in Sword of the Stars: The Pit when I played it a few days ago.
Was doing yet another test with Ashwalkers before I came back here, and that would definitely explain why I didn't get a few achievements I should have, and got one I shouldn't have. >__<
Thank you for finding me that "LocalLow" folder! Had no clue that was there. I guess I always just assumed that if I uninstalled a Steam game and the game's title folder (in the "steamapps>common" folder) disappeared completely, that my save file was in the cloud or something. lol
So yeah, that's definitely going to come in handy. Now I can make sure I properly copy/move/delete whatever folder I need to BEFORE I start the GOG version of something I've already played if I don't want to bork up any more of my achievement lists. XD