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[FAQ] Useful Info and Links for New Members


MD Party Room
In an effort to help the new guy I've combined a few of them to reference for troubleshooting. With that being said, here are a few common questions and answers that were covered by the older threads.

[FIELDSET="Titles"]Question - When does my post count title change and what are the tiered names based off them?


Rating Pending - 0


Everyone - 10


Teen - 100


Mature - 500


Adults Only - 1000


Restricted - 5000

[FIELDSET="Avatar Sizes"]Question - Why do some members have different avatar sizes?

Answer - Below is a listing of maximum avatar sizes according to what usergroup you are a part of:
Regular Members - 100x100
Contributor - 150x150
Moderators/Administrators - 150x150[/FIELDSET]

[FIELDSET="Contributor Info"]Question - What is a Contributor?

Answer -A Contributor is a valued member of our community who actively provides us with quality material that contributes significantly to the growth and evolution of our community. Contributors are not just people who give the most to the community. They represent the best of us at M for Mature and contribute to our goal of providing quality - quality discussions, community support, content and a quality environment.

Question - What are some of the Benefits I get if I become a Contributor

* Unique username colour
* Listed on the View Forum Leaders page
* Access to an Exclusive Contributor only forum
* Your very own @mformature.net email redirect
* Moderator in our IRC channel
* Access to the Exclusive Contributors only IRC channel.
* Custom usertitle
* Less restrictions
* Self-moderation (delete your own posts, close your own threads, etc.)
* Bigger Inbox
* Bigger avatar
* Bigger profile picture
* Ability to become invisible
* See who else is invisible
* ...and more!

Question -How do I become a contributor?

Answer -The simple answer would be that you just need to contribute quality content or material to our community and then the staff will decide upon whether or not you will be deemed a contributor based on other factors (like the level of contributions received from the community, your history in the community etc.). Once you've met the following requirements, all it will take is for a staff decision to be made and you will be on your way to becoming a Contributor.

Question -What are the Requirements for becoming a Contributor:

* Have NOT asked to be a Contributor
* Actively contributes quality content to the community
* Actively participates in discussions around the community
* Is a well behaved and respected member of the community[/FIELDSET]

[FIELDSET="Search"]Question - How do I use the site's Search feature?

Answer - For a detailed guide on how to search and get relevant results, as well an an advanced search tutorial, please click here:How to Search The Forums and Get Relevant Results - M for Mature Forums[/FIELDSET]

[FIELDSET="Staff"]Question - How do I get in touch with a Moderator or Administrator if I see a questionable post?

Answer - The easiest way to report a post is to hit the Report Post button, which can be found near the post in question.

Staff members that are on duty can be viewed from the main Index page on the bottom. Moderators are in orange,and Administrators are in red. Additionally, for a complete list of forum staff, please click this link: M for Mature Forums - Show Groups[/FIELDSET]

[FIELDSET="Posting Video"]Question - How do I use the
to post a video.

Answer(Youtube)-Use the movie code from the YouTube URL in your browser. For example, http://youtube.com/watch?v=JFwCCL0Vh6U and copy everything after the = sign
Example - [yt]JFwCCL0Vh6U[/yt]

Answer(Gametrailers)- Use the movie code from the Gametrailers URL in your browser. For example, http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45018.html and copy that last trail of numbers
Example - [GT]45018[/GT]

Question - Can I use any other video site?

Answer -You can use IGN as well.

To post a IGN video

Find the
posted on the bottom of every IGN video.Then find Code to display this video in your
IGN Boards or IGN Blog post: and just copy the link and paste it on your post..

It should look something like this

[FIELDSET="Prefix"]Question -What are Prefix that I see on every thread?

Answer - Thread Prefixes, are one of the features that will allow us to better organise the vast amount of knowledge that is being gathered up in our community by the day. For example,we'll have a list of prefixes like: PC, X360, NDS, PSP, MULTI in our Games Discussion section and whenever you post a thread in there, you'll be required to pick the prefix that is the console on which the game you are talking about refers to.

Gaming Platforms

Thread prefixes also allows for viewing the forum contents which contain a particular prefix. Try it out for yourself; If you click on one of the "360" prefixes in any given title within the Action Discussion you will end up with a forum view which only includes those. ;)

There are Thread prefix for every part of the forum [/FIELDSET]

[FIELDSET="MfM Live Leaderboard"]Question -What is MfM Live Leaderboard?

Answer -If you have and use Xbox Live then you'll enjoy this. By request of the current reigning champion, Abe Froeman, we have added an MfM Live Leaderboard that pits your stats against the hardcore gamers in this community. Are you good enough to knock our Abe off the top? Let's find out by putting your GamerTag into your profile and MfM Live will take care of the rest.

So head on over to the Edit Profile area of your UserCP and fill in the box that looks like this:


As always comments and ways to improve this thread are always welcome.Hope you found this helpful.

*Guide outline made by ABE...
Each question should be bolded, increased in size, and possibly a different colour. I think it would just help to make it look a little more friendlier and easier to pick out
K on it..

Edit how that?
Thanks for the effort Vanden. Please let me know when you are done with this so we can clean it up.

The first thing to go is this:
Question - What can't I understand this Seth/Vanden user does he speak in tongues,have the grammar compression of a third grader?Can he spell anything outside of Linux cmd line?

Answer - Well umms this user has a Language called vandenism he can only be understood by a few users like Phil(12) or Gman if you need to understand one of his post then umm ask phil I guess.

Not needed and uncalled for. If you acknowledge that your command of the English language rivals that of a seven year old, why bother writing a guide to anything? I doubt any employer would tolerate your language skills for more than half of your first day of being hired in an office environment. And that should scare the hell out of you.

Again, thanks for the effort. If we decide it's better to re-write this completely, you will be given credit, etc.
Well I tired to make a good guide.If if you feel like rewriting it then by all means do it. I put all that I thought was useful for new members to know. Your welcome to edit my post or just make a new thread doesnt matter to me.

I still think that vanden part was still kind of funny,and I do just fine in a office environment.
vandenism - kill it, get rid of the fucking thing. Please

I Will not baby people here. It will be in your best interest to post CORRECTLY spelled and understandable posts....
Seth said:
There are Thread prefix for every part of the forum
FYI.. This is not accurate. The Gaming forums, News Stories, and Division by Zero are currently the forums that use prefixes.
A question to add: How do I change the title under "T for teen" like you do (thread starter)
That bit about posting youtube videos is outdated methinks - when I try to just post the code, I get a BORKED error, but when posting the full URL, it works fine.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM EST ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM EST ----------

Works fine on my end...
That bit about posting youtube videos is outdated methinks - when I try to just post the code, I get a BORKED error, but when posting the full URL, it works fine.

I have gotten this too and I dunno why. Some work with just the video ID, some need the full URL to work for some reason :|

Edit: After looking into it a little more deeply than "shit doesn't work", if the video ID has an underscore (this thing _ ) then just using the ID won't work, you'll need the full URL.

How odd.