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Forum subheadings


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Hey, x3, I just noticed that for the PSP General the forum subtitle is "Discuss Sony's sleek new portable." Maybe you could take the 'new' out of it? :p It's been out for goin' on two years. Just a suggestion.:smile:
Right, I'll change that :P
"Discuss how awesome rabbit is" would be a better sub description.....for EVERY board.

:laugh: That's pretty much one of the coolest things of September 9th. Ever. XD
Now speaking of forums and stuff...don't you think we should make a PSP Slim section? :X (dunno if that would be valid...)
Yeah there should be a PSPslim section , good way to attract new members. Great idea DC.
Yeah. You can call it "rabbit owns all.....also, PSP Slim"

Well hell, I'm game, that's funny, I wouldn't even be mad.