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New Member
Does this Website have any sort of Franchise Completion like how both True Achievements & Retro Achievements have after clicking on "Series for this Franchise"? You know something like this and after you click on it it'll take you to all the Games in Set Franchise and show which ones you've completed or how many Achievements you have in total for all the Games
Trueachievements Franchise Completion.PNG
Retro Achievements Franchise Completion.PNG

Would be really nice to get to click on something like "Series and Franchises" for certain Franchises across all Platforms like Sonic, SpongeBob, Borderlands, COD amongst a lot of other Franchises like you can do on both True & Retro Achievements and see how many Total Achievements & Trophies you've earned across all Platforms or how many total Achievements & Trophies could be earned, Even if you double dip a couple of times for certain Games on other Platforms as well, Even showing the total count of Achievements & Trophies there are in total on all Platforms combined

Trueachievements Franchise Score Completion.PNG