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Hello! Just getting started achievement hunting :D


New Member
Hi! I'm new to both this forum and achievement hunting. I've always had trouble completeing games, and instead moving onto other ones, so I decided to take up trying to 100% games to give myself more of a goal rather then just "play through the story" and give myself more of a reason to complete games. I'm definitely the sort of person that if I have a tangible goal, such as achievements it motivates me more lol.
Anyways, if there's anything I should know, or if anyone has some recommendations for easy ones I own to start with, I'd be more than happy to hear.
Hope to have a great time here :D
welcome! it's lovely to have you here! always happy to see more people get into the hobby ☺️ achievements can definitely enhance your experience with games, especially if it's one you really loved and just want more of. i hope to see your score and rank grow as you go for those completions!

as for recommend games, i took a look through your library. some personal recommendations are:
  • vampire survivors
  • to the moon
  • the forgotten city
  • soma
  • scp: secret files
  • portal 2 (an all time favorite for me)
  • oneshot
  • it takes two
  • hypnospace outlaw
  • half-life 2
  • firewatch
  • control ultimate edition (another personal favorite)
  • celeste (with assist mode unless you really want a challenge)
  • alba: a wildlife adventure
in no certain order (except reverse alphabetical because i started from the bottom and worked my way up lmao). not all necessarily fast and/or easy, these are all games i've personally played and 100%'d and enjoyed. having said that, there's some other amazing stuff in your library as well, so if you ever want more recommendations, i'm more than happy to send some your way!
Yo I'm in the same boat as you. Don't know if I'll hundo any so I'm just playing my backlog and if i get close i'll attempt.
Hi! I'm new to both this forum and achievement hunting. I've often struggled to complete games, so I decided to focus on 100%ing them to give myself a clear goal. Having tangible goals like achievements really motivates me. If anyone has suggestions for easy games I own to start with, I'd love to hear them. Looking forward to having a great time here!