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Kept you waiting, huh?


New Member
I'm Rojo and I'm just looking to track the achievements I get and meet some new people who enjoy games.
It seems people nowadays only care about multiplayers (nothing against it, but it's not my thing) so I'd love to meet people who enjoy the single players, completionists and masochists for the hard difficulties.
I have other interests, but I'm not gonna list them all. You'll see them along the way, some are weird as hell and some are boring.
I play mostly Retro games and Xbox Series S for the newer ones. RPG, Hack n Slash, Stealth, Survival Horror and doom style shooters are my favorites.

I've been all over the place with gaming lately, start a game and an hour later I'm playing something else... I made new accounts and consolidated them here and I'm trying to fix that. Right now, I'm focusing on MGS: VR Missions, sometimes RE3: Nemesis

Cya around!

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Lots of achievements on RA games are insane hahah 😁
They're hard to master but when you finally did that, it feels satisfying!
I'm mostly play in softcore mode though ✌️

Lots of achievements on RA games are insane hahah 😁
They're hard to master but when you finally did that, it feels satisfying!
I'm mostly play in softcore mode though ✌️
Oh I like the hardcore... .there's some I could never master man. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is crazy.... check out the list. You gotta be crazy and have most of your days available to game! Nice to meet you though, hope to see you around, always nice to meet a fellow nostalgic gamer
Yeah, the "without taking damage" challenges and such are definitely for highly experienced players, ordinary players like me have to spend more time learning them, but to me, retro games have their own charm, they will always be fun to play. Nice to meet you too!