• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.

New features, donations and more!

These forums just keep getting better and better, great work guys! I have just created my front-page account, how do you link to the forum account?

Also, my frontpage account seems to have admin privilages, and attempting to post shows the Administrator badge. Eran appears to also have the badge too.


Wow...I just fixed that, don't know how you guys manage to jump into the small windows I leave open... You didn't actually have admin, the badge was just showing for you and Eran. :p

Unless you're an Admin, Staff member, Contributor or a Donator, your comments should be automatically highlighted (provided you are logged in when you post them) without our need to do anything. It's only the user types I mentioned that require us to mark your front-page account.