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360 Post your XBL Gamertags

El Xando

I play mostly Halo 3... with Freshmilk and Brain a lot too :D
But I also occasionally play GTA IV and COD 4.
Willing to play with anyone...
Jam3sC 08

Halo 3 (If I'm on, it's probably with Freshmilk and Brain)
Rock Band (I'm shite) (And thats No. 1, Mr. Beefy ;))
Castle Crashers (!)
Orange Box
+ Others(?)

Fable II, Rock Band 1/2, Halo 3, Cod4, CoD: WAW Castle Crashers (once bug is fixed)

I rarely play FPS's now, but if you can convince me that we have a big M for Mature party, then I am in.
TheMasterChef said:

Fable II, Rock Band 1/2, Halo 3, Cod4.

I rarely play FPS's now, but if you can convince me that we have a big M for Mature party, then I am in.

You know you'll be playing Gears Horde Mode when it comes out with us.
Hi everyone. My first post here :P

My XBL Gamertag is JaX3RiR. What a coincidence!
Anyway, I don't play that often because I no longer have a Gold Membership. But I will get one soon.

Right now I don't have many games, only Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Halo: Combat Evolved for the original 'Box.
I know this thread is old but my tag is QuiteG3nocide, my gold membership just ran out so I cant play until I get one, hopefully here soon though.