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PSN Account Verification without PlayStation console


New Member
RPCS3 syncing requires a verified PSN account, but since I don't currently own any Sony console, I tried syncing using the account I created for PC Sony games. However, changing the About Me section can only be done on a console, not through their website, for some reason. Is there a way to either sync RPCS3 without a PSN account or verify a PSN accopunt without changing the About Me section?

I imagine lots of people don't own a PlayStation console but still play on RPCS3, since all you need is to own the game and a compatible blu-ray driver to dump it. Nothing that comes from a console is required.
You should be able to change it from the PlayStation website? In account settings under PlayStation Network -> Profile -> About

Unless they don't show it there if you don't have a console linked, but I thought it was always visible. That is the only supported method for verification right now. If you don't see it then I suppose I can manually verify your account here - let me know PSN ID in that case.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 10.57.02 PM.png
The field does show up, but when you click Edit it says you must start your session on a PS4 or PS5 console first.

Sorry it's in portuguese, I can't change that either, but the "Sobre" field is the "About me", and the message in the popup says "To use this feature, you must first start a session on the PlayStation Network on your PS5 or PS4".

Either way, my PSN ID is flavionms. If manual verification is an option it'd be much appreciated!

Captura de tela de 2024-10-04 16-59-02.png

Captura de tela de 2024-10-04 17-01-47.png
Have manually verified your account. You should be able to use the upload option now.
Hi can I get mine verified also? Just started using RPCS3 as well
Can you not use the About Me method? Follow the steps on the Social tab of your account page.

AFAIK this only impacts users that don't have any physical PS hardware. Since you've earned trophies on PS4 I would think it should let you set the About Me field from the PS website. Let me know if not though.
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Can you verify my account too? I have the same problem. Tried to change “about me” section trought ps plus cloud streaming on pc, but this did not worked. I do not have a console at the Moment. Thank you.
In the end I've solved logging in as guest from a friends ps4 and now I can edit the "about me" even from website. Don't know why sony wants a first login whit a console in the first place...
Hey, could you verify my psn account too? i have no console and it limits me from using a lot of features because it says i need to verify my account by connecting to a playstation network. the account name is: whitee_holee, email: donn87952@gmail.com
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