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PSP 3.51+ Firmware Problems


New Member
OKay for anyone out there that has gone and upgraded the PSP to 3.51+ with the official firmware please, PLEASE, PLEASE Note.

AT this very moment in time and for proberly another 2 to 3 days THERE IS NO Downgrader:(

HOWEVER there has been word that an exploit has been found in LUMINES
this means that it is now possible for the guys up stairs to break through and patch you PSP
which means there WILL BE a downgrader.:biggrin:

Just hold on tight!!:smile:
cheers, I will sticky this thread :) Too many people lately asking how to downgrade their 3.10.
this thread was DESPERATELY needed....

"i haz a v3.10 PSP and wantz v3.10 OE,how can i downgradez it plz????????"

..... :P
These are awesome....
but to be honest, we do have seen too too too many poor ppl getting crazy with their 3.10/3.11 psp machine.

2 weeks ago i was going to help my friend dg his psp to 1.5 cuz he said it was 3.03. No problem, i said. then next day he came to my house with his 3.10 psp and telling me his beloved bro just ug it last night.^#%@$%#$^%*^!#$%
These are awesome....
but to be honest, we do have seen too too too many poor ppl getting crazy with their 3.10/3.11 psp machine.

2 weeks ago i was going to help my friend dg his psp to 1.5 cuz he said it was 3.03. No problem, i said. then next day he came to my house with his 3.10 psp and telling me his beloved bro just ug it last night.^#%@$%#$^%*^!#$%

Oh man that must of been anoying:p
Some Claimed that he has made a 3.11 downgrader on youtube. but apparentlly the "fat kid" has only made a fake footage, giving viruses and brickage files over aim or other IM. Don't be Fooled!!

here's the URL to the clip:
Some Claimed that he has made a 3.11 downgrader on youtube. but apparentlly the "fat kid" has only made a fake footage, giving viruses and brickage files over aim or other IM. Don't be Fooled!!

here's the URL to the clip:

Ok that is 1 of the crapiest lies i've ever seen.
"erm yeh i've already got 1.5 on my PSP so erm Yeh!":p
Ok that is 1 of the crapiest lies i've ever seen.
"erm yeh i've already got 1.5 on my PSP so erm Yeh!":p

hehe I always double check the update files and etc.. BEFORE I even put them on my PSP :)

O.o although there was one time when my antivirus detected a PSP bricker O.o
Some Claimed that he has made a 3.11 downgrader on youtube. but apparentlly the "fat kid" has only made a fake footage, giving viruses and brickage files over aim or other IM. Don't be Fooled!!

here's the URL to the clip:

Not every fat kid is a bricker-sending dickwad... *crosses arms and stares, then picks up the 2x4*
OKay for anyone out there that has gone and upgraded the PSP to 3.10+ with the official firmware please, PLEASE, PLEASE Note.

AT this very moment in time and for proberly another 3 to 8 months THERE IS NO Downgrader:(

That means no means of going back down to 1.50.
No means of playing Homebrew
No means of putting OE firmwares or devhooks

The number of messages i've seen in the past week for this is unbeliveable.
I would understand if it was old news you couldn't find, but all you have to do is open a forum and theres a list of these problems with the answer NO to them all.

If you wish to do ANYTHING to it here are some possabilities::rolleyes:

* Chip your PSP with one of the 'undiluted platinum mods'
* Sell you PSP on EBAY and get a new one with a lower firmware
* Check up on this forum, you never know it may work. HERE
* Put you PSP into a microwave, or set it alight with fireworks (please remember to record and put on YOUTUBE:p )
* Give it to you dog as an expensive chew toy
* Test A UMD disc without the protective case
* Pull it apart and see if you can make into a robot
:cool: Many More to come

I Wonder What is the 3.11 Descrypter for? What it does? Does it make you install costum firmware
I Wonder What is the 3.11 Descrypter for? What it does? Does it make you install costum firmware

no, its for developers. Decrypter doesn't have much use to the average folk :wink:

if there have been so many people wanting this downgrade then surely why dosnt dark alex or some other dude with the IQ of 1000 make one?????!?!?
we would love them
if there have been so many people wanting this downgrade then surely why dosnt dark alex or some other dude with the IQ of 1000 make one?????!?!?
we would love them

well the problem is that there is no exploits found or announced by S*ny or any developers so now we can say that offcial versions i.e. 3.10 and later ones are unbeatable. we can only wait til the company makes a mistake and announced a new version with exploits.
we can only wait. :D
Well I am one of the many who just found out that they are screwed......Well of course before this past week I was anti modding until.............I found out that I could play my old PS1 Games on my PSP......

I guess I will just have to sell my current PSP and hope to be able to get one that has older firmware on it.....Now say I get another PSP is there any way to back up the firmware for "just incase"?.....

and I know that I am pretty much screwed as for the one I have now but even restoring the factory defaults won't take off the updated firmware?
Well I am one of the many who just found out that they are screwed......Well of course before this past week I was anti modding until.............I found out that I could play my old PS1 Games on my PSP......

I guess I will just have to sell my current PSP and hope to be able to get one that has older firmware on it.....Now say I get another PSP is there any way to back up the firmware for "just incase"?.....

and I know that I am pretty much screwed as for the one I have now but even restoring the factory defaults won't take off the updated firmware?

Restoring factory defaults only resets your settings, not the actual firmware version. All the Sony upgrades are available in EBOOT.PBP format, they won't be any different than your backup.

so if you installed 3.40 OE-A and wanted to go back to 2.71, you'd just grab the 2.71 update.
no the only way to remove updated Sony fw is to dg . You sir are hosed , But you got the right idea . Sell the psp on ebay. Buy a new one / OR / buy a mod chip.
Read the instruction and you know!!

Yep!!That's right!!Don't you read the instructions after the last step to install the firmware update?And the instruction on your Instruction Manuall booklet?It says"After you install the update you can not go back to lower version".I'm glad I can help out a little!!:biggrin: