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Recipe list for the game "Alchemist" on Google Play (WARNING: Getting 100% achievements is impossible)


Link to game page: https://www.exophase.com/game/alchemist-android/achievements/

Note: There are achievements for failed attempts and for using hints, so the recipe list below isn't enough to get all obtainable achievements. There are also achievements for logging in for more than one day and those don't seem to be pushed to Play properly. The game seems to have the somewhat common Play problem of failing to push achievements unless it's freshly(?) connected to Play when the achievement is triggered which means the login achievements will never be pushed properly as they're granted before the game connects to Play. Also, there's apparently one "unused" achievement according to Exo, which is presumably completely unobtainable.

The achievements for using hints are sequential, so you actually need to use a lot more than 80 to get all the hints achievements. You can get one free hint every 15 minutes. Make sure to get these achievements before finishing all recipes if you're aiming for all obtainable achievements.

There are two elements named "Letter" in this game. They will be marked below with * and ** to differentiate them.

The "Canon" element was spelled like that in-game. I didn't typo it here.

Acorn = Time + Tree
Adhesive tape = Glue + Ribbon
Aircraft = Air + Metal
Airship = Balloon + Metal + Rope
Algae = Plant + Water
Alien = Life + Space
Alphabet = Letter* + Letter*
Aluminium = Aircraft + Metal
Amber = Resin + Stone
Anchor = Chain + Metal + Water
Angel = Bird + Human
Antenna = Metal + Radio + Stick
Anvil = Hammer + Metal
Apple = Fruit + Tree
Aquarium = Fish + Glass + Water
Arctic = Ice + Soil
Armor = Clothes + Metal
Arrow = Blade + Feather + Stick
Artificial Intelligence = Bit + Reason
Ash = Bonfire + Water
Asteroid = Space + Stone
Atom = Electron + Neutron + Proton
Aurora = Arctic + Light
Axe = Blade + Stick + Wood
Baby = Human + Human + Love
Bacteria = Life + Ocean
Ball = Air + Rubber
Balloon = Air + Rope + Rubber
Bamboo = Plant + Stick
Bandage = Cloth + Ribbon
Bank = House + Safe
Baobab = Savannah + Tree
Barrel = Board + Circle + Metal
Bat = Bird + Blood
Battery = Electricity + Energy + Metal
Beach = Ocean + Sand
Bear = Cave + Claw
Beaver = Tooth + Tree
Bed = Pillow + Wood
Bee = Flower + Insect
Beer = Water + Wheat
Berry = Bush + Fruit
Binoculars = Telescope + Telescope
Bird = Air + Life
Birdhouse = Bird + House
Bit = Electricity + Letter*
Bitcoin = Coin + Electricity
Black hole = Gravity + Gravity + Gravity
Blade = Metal + Tool
Blood = Blade + Human
Boar = Forest + Pig
Board = Tool + Wood + Wood
Boat = Paddle + Raft
Boiling = Heat + Pressure + Water
Bone = Sword + Zombie
Bonfire = Fire + Stick + Stick
Book = Cardboard + Ink + Paper
Boomerang = Air + Board
Bottle = Plastic + Water
Bouquet = Flower + Flower
Bow = Rope + Stick
Box = Cardboard + Cardboard
Brain = Neuron + Neuron + Neuron
Branch = Scissors + Tree
Bread = Dough + Fire
Brick = Clay + Fire
Bridge = River + Road
Broom = Hay + Stick
Brush = Paper + Tool
Bubble = Air + Soap
Bucket = Metal + Plastic + Water
Bug = Insect + Tree
Bulb = Electricity + Glass + Light
Bush = Branch + Grass
Butter = Milk + Oil
Butterfly = Caterpillar + Time
Cacao = Sun + Tree
Cactus = Needle + Plant
Cake = Dough + Ice cream
Calendar = Paper + Time
Camel = Desert + Horse
Camouflage = Chameleon + Cloth
Candle = Fire + Wax
Candy = Chocolate + Paper
Cannonball = Gunpowder + Pig iron
Canon = Cannonball + Gunpowder + Pipe
Car = Engine + Wheel
Caramel = Fire + Sugar
Carbon = Coal + Fire
Carbon dioxide = Carbon + Oxygen
Cardboard = Paper + Paper
Castle = Tower + Wall
Cat = Human + Tiger
Caterpillar = Earthworm + Plant
Cave = Mountain + Time
Centaur = Horse + Human
Ceramic = Clay + Heat
Cerberus = Dog + Dog + Dog
Chain = Metal + Rope
Chainsaw = Engine + Saw
Chalk = Limestone + Pencil
Chameleon = Lizard + Rainbow
Cheese = Milk + Time
Cheetah = Cat + Savannah + Wind
Chest = Box + Wood
Chip = Metal + Silicon
Chocolate = Cacao + Sugar
Christmas Tree = Garland + Spruce + Star
Circle = Dividers + Paper
Circus = Clown + House
City = House + House + House
Claw = Blade + Bone
Clay = River + Shovel
Clock = Battery + Time
Cloth = Thread + Thread
Clothes = Cloth + Needle
Cloud = Air + Water
Clown = Holiday + Human
Coal = Fire + Plant
Cobweb = Fly + Spider
Coconut = Fruit + Palm
Coffee = Heat + Seed + Water
Coin = Circle + Gold
Comb = Hair + Plastic
Compass = Electricity + Magnet
Computer = Chip + Chip
Concrete = Sand + Water
Conflagration = Fire + Forest
Constellation = Star + Star
Cookie = Cacao + Dough + Milk
Cosmetics = Human + Paints
Cotton = Cloud + Grass
Cow = Life + Meadow
Crab = Fish + Scissors
Credit card = Money + Plastic
Crocodile = Lizard + Swamp
Crossbow = Bow + Metal
Crow = Bird + Scarecrow
Crown = Gem + Gold
Cyborg = Human + Robot
Dam = Beaver + River
Day = Night + Sun
Death = Life + Time
Deer = Forest + Horse
Desert = Sand + Sun
Dew = Droplet + Grass
Diamond = Coal + Pressure
Dinosaur = Fossil + Life
Dirt = Ash + Water
Display = Electricity + Glass
Dividers = Needle + Pencil
Doctor = Health + Human
Dog = Human + Wolf
Doll = Human + Wool
Donkey = Horse + Sheep
Door = Board + Wall
Dough = Flour + Water
Dragon = Fire + Lizard
Droplet = Dust + Water
Drum = Barrel + Leather
Duck = Bird + Lake
Dust = Dirt + Time
Dynamite = Gunpowder + Rope
Eagle = Bird + Mountain
Earthworm = Life + Soil
Eclipse = Moon + Sun
Eel = Earthworm + Electricity
Egg = Bird + Bird
Electricity = Metal + Thunderbolt
Electron = Electricity + Electricity
Energy = Thunderbolt + Thunderbolt
Engine = Metal + Steam
Ent = Human + Tree
Explosion = Fire + Gunpowder
Extinguisher = Conflagration + Foam
Eye = Lens + Life
Fairy = Butterfly + Human
Fangs = Blade + Tooth
Fat = Blade + Pig
Feather = Bird + Scissors
Fern = Plant + Spore
Field = Plough + Soil
Firefly = Bulb + Insect
Fireworks = Explosion + Rocket
First aid kit = Box + Medicine
Fish = Life + Water
Fishing rod = Earthworm + Rope + Stick
Flag = Cloth + Stick
Flashlight = Battery + Light
Flask = Glass + Water
Floppy disk = Memory + Plastic
Flour = Wheat + Windmill
Flower = Life + Plant
Fluid = Gas + Pressure
Flute = Pipe + Wind
Fly = Air + Insect
Foam = Bubble + Water
Fog = Air + Droplet
Footwear = Cloth + Soil
Forest = Tree + Tree
Fork = Pitchfork + Steak
Fossil = Brush + Shovel + Soil
Fountain = Pressure + Water
Fridge = Electricity + Frost
Fried egg = Egg + Fire
Frog = Life + Swamp
Frost = Air + Wind
Fruit = Flower + Time
Furnace = Coal + Fire + Stone
GPS = Satellite + Satellite + Satellite
Galaxy = Solar system + Solar system
Garland = Bulb + Bulb + Bulb
Gas = Air + Molecule
Gasoline = Petroleum + Steam
Gear = Metal + Wheel
Gem = Mountain + Pickaxe
Ghost = Death + Human
Gift = Box + Ribbon
Glass = Fire + Sand
Glasses = Eye + Lens + Plastic
Glue = Flour + Heat + Water
God = Reason + Sky
Gold = Gem + Metal
Golem = Life + Stone
Grapes = Plant + Stick + Sun
Grass = Plant + Soil
Grasshopper = Grass + Insect
Gravity = Soil + Soil + Soil
Greenhouse = Glass + Plant
Guitar = String + String + Wood
Gum = Resin + Tooth
Gunpowder = Coal + Saltpeter
Hail = Cloud + Ice
Hair = Human + Wax
Hammer = Stick + Stone
Hammerhead shark = Hammer + Shark
Hammock = Bed + Net
Hamster = Mouse + Wheat
Hand fan = Air + Paper
Harp = Bow + String
Harvester = Engine + Field
Hay = Grass + Heat
Healing potion = Flask + Life
Health = Apple + Human
Heart = Blood + Engine
Heat = Air + Fire
Hedgehog = Mouse + Needle
Hen = Bird + Wheat
Hippo = Cow + River
Hive = Bee + House
Holiday = Balloon + Cake + Fireworks
Honey = Bee + Flower
Hook = Fishing rod + Needle
Hookah = Flask + Steam + Tobacco
Horizon = Sky + Soil
Horns = Blade + Bone + Bone
Horse = Hay + Life
Horseshoe = Footwear + Horse
Hospital = Health + House
House = Door + Wall + Window
Human = Monkey + Time
Hummingbird = Bird + Flower
Hunter = Bow + Human
Hydrocarbon = Carbon + Hydrogen
Hydrogen = Sun + Time
Hyena = Dog + Savannah
Ice = Frost + Water
Ice cream = Ice + Sugar
Iceberg = Ice + Mountain + Water
Icicle = Ice + Stick
Information = Bit + Bit
Ink = Octopus + Pressure
Insect = Earthworm + Soil
Iodine = Algae + Sulfuric acid
Iron = Metal + Metal
Island = Ocean + Soil
Janitor = Broom + Human
Jungle = Forest + Rain
Kennel = Dog + House
Kettlebell = Gravity + Meta
Key = Lock + Tool
King = Crown + Human
Kite = Air + Cloth + Rope
Knight = Armor + Human + Sword
Knot = Rope + Rope
Lace = Footwear + Rope
Lake = Water + Water
Lantern = Glass + Oil
Laser = Fire + Light
Lava = Fire + Soil
Leaf = Tree + Wind
Leather = Hammer + Pig
Leech = Earthworm + Swamp
Lens = Glass + Light
Letter** = Ink + Paper
Letter* = Paper + Pen
Lever = Gear + Stick
Library = Book + House
Lichen = Algae + Mushroom
Life = Energy + Water
Light = Sky + Sun
Lighthouse = Light + Tower
Limestone = River + Stone
Lion = Cat + Savannah
Lizard = Grass + Life
Lock = Chest + Gear
Locomotive = Engine + Railway
Lollipop = Candy + Stick
Love = Human + Human
Magic wand = Star + Stick
Magnet = Electricity + Metal
Mail = Letter** + Pigeon
Mana potion = Flask + Star
Manta Ray = Fish + Kite
Mantis = Insect + Leaf
Map = Compass + Paper
Mask = Cloth + Rope
Match = Stick + Sulfur
Meadow = Grass + Soil
Meat = Blade + Cow
Meat grinder = Blade + Lever
Medicine = Bacteria + Health
Memory = Brain + Information
Mercury = Silver + Water
Mermaid = Fish + Human
Metal = Fire + Stone
Meteor = Asteroid + Fire
Methane = Air + Swamp
Microphone = Sound + Stick
Microscope = Bacteria + Lens
Milk = Bucket + Cow
Mine = Cave + Pickaxe
Minotaur = Cow + Human
Mirage = Air + Desert + Heat
Mirror = Glass + Light + Water
Moat = Castle + River
Mold = Moss + Mushroom
Mole = Mouse + Soil
Molecule = Atom + Atom
Money = Gold + Paper
Monkey = Life + Tree
Moon = Sky + Stone
Mosquito = Blood + Insect
Moss = Plant + Stone
Mountain = Soil + Stone
Mouse = Life + Wheat
Mule = Donkey + Horse
Mummy = Bandage + Human
Museum = House + Picture
Mushroom = Grass + Rain
Music = Needle + Vinyl disk
Nail = Hammer + Metal + Stick
Necklace = Chain + Gem
Needle = Metal + Thread
Nest = Bird + Branch + Egg
Net = Cobweb + Water
Neuron = Electricity + Life
Neutron = Electron + Proton
Neutron star = Neutron + Star
Night = Moon + Sky
Noose = Knot + Rope
Nunchaku = Chain + Stick + Stick
Oasis = Desert + Lake
Obsidian = Lava + Water
Ocean = Water + Water + Water
Octopus = Fish + Vacuum
Oil = Fat + Water
Orca = Ice + Whale
Ore = Mine + Pickaxe
Ostrich = Bird + Sand
Owl = Bird + Night
Oxygen = Plant + Sun
Oyster = Pearl + Sea shell
Ozone = Oxygen + Sun
Paddle = Stick + Water
Paints = Board + Rainbow
Palace = House + King
Palm = Beach + Tree
Panda = Bear + Jungle
Paper = Tool + Wood
Paper plane = Aircraft + Paper
Parrafin wax = Hydrocarbon + Wax
Parrot = Bird + Jungle
Pearl = Gem + Water
Peat = Pressure + Swamp
Pegasus = Bird + Horse
Pen = Ink + Plastic
Pencil = Coal + Wood
Penguin = Bird + Frost
Penicilin = Medicine + Mold
People = Human + Human + Human
Perfume = Flask + Flower
Petroleum = Fossil + Plant + Soil
Phoenix = Bird + Fire
Photo camera = Light + Metal + Paper
Photosynthesis = Leaf + Light
Pickaxe = Mountain + Tool
Picture = Brush + Paints + Paper
Pie = Egg + Flour + Furnace
Pig = Dirt + Life
Pig Iron = Carbon + Carbon + Iron
Pigeon = Bird + Bread
Piggy bank = Money + Pig
Pillow = Cloth + Feather
Pipe = Air + Metal + Stick
Pit = Shovel + Soil
Pitchfork = Hay + Tool
Planet = Gravity + Soil
Plankton = Algae + Bacteria + Crab
Plant = Soil + Water
Plastic = Coal + Petroleum
Plasticine = Clay + Petroleum
Plough = Blade + Soil
Plunger = Rubber + Stick + Vacuum
Poison = Flask + Snake
Polar bear = Bear + Snow
Postage stamp = Mail + Picture
Potion of Speed = Flask + Wind
Potion of Strength = Flask + Mountain
Potion of Wisdom = Flask + Owl
Pressure = Air + Heat
Propane = Fire + Petroleum
Proton = Electron + Gravity
Puddle = Road + Water
Punched card = Needle + Paper
Pyramid = Desert + Mountain
Radio = Metal + Sound
Raft = Rope + Water + Wood
Rag = Cloth + Dirt
Railway = Metal + Road
Rain = Cloud + Water
Rainbow = Rain + Sun
Raincoat = Clothes + Rain
Raisin = Grapes + Heat
Rake = Comb + Stick
Reason = Brain + Time
Resin = Blade + Tree
Rhinoceros = Horns + Savannah
Ribbon = Cloth + Scissors
Ring = Circle + Metal
River = Soil + Water + Water
Road = Concrete + Soil
Robot = Battery + Human
Rocket = Fire + Pipe
Root = Plant + Soil + Water
Rope = Thread + Thread + Thread
Rose = Flower + Love
Rubber = Petroleum + Water
Ruler = Board + Pencil
Rust = Metal + Oxygen
Saddle = Horse + Leather
Safe = Gold + Lock
Sail = Cloth + Wind
Salt = Heat + Ocean
Saltpeter = Limestone + Plant
Sand = Stone + Water
Sandwich = Bread + Butter
Satellite = Antenna + Space
Savannah = Grass + Soil + Sun
Saw = Fangs + Tool
Scalpel = Blade + Health
Scarecrow = Hay + Human
Scissors = Blade + Blade
Scoop-net = Cobweb + Stick
Scooter = Wheel + Wheel
Scorpion = Spider + Sting
Sculpture = Human + Stone
Sea cow = Cow + Water
Sea shell = Armor + Limestone
Seagull = Bird + Ocean
Seahorse = Fish + Horse
Seed = Fruit + Time
Sewing machine = Electricity + Needle
Shark = Fish + Tooth
Sheep = Life + Mountain
Shield = Board + Metal
Ship = Cloth + Water + Wood
Shovel = Soil + Tool
Silicon = Pressure + Sand
Silk = Caterpillar + Thread
Silver = Coin + Furnace
Skateboard = Board + Wheel
Skates = Blade + Footwear + Ice
Skeleton = Bone + Bone
Skull = Bone + Brain
Sky = Air + Air + Air
Skyscraper = House + Sky
Sleep = Bed + Human
Sleeping bag = Bed + Forest
Slingshot = Rubber + Stick
Smartphone = Microphone + Radio
Snail = Caterpillar + Glue
Snake = Earthworm + Fangs
Snow = Frost + Rain
Snowflake = Droplet + Frost
Snowman = Human + Snow
Soap = Ash + Fat
Soda = Air + Sugar + Water
Solar panel = Energy + Sun
Solar system = Planet + Sun
Sound = Air + Explosion
Space = Sky + Star
Spark = Stone + Stone
Spawn = Fish + Fish
Spear = Blade + Stick + Stick
Sphinx = Human + Lion
Spider = Insect + Insect
Spine = Bone + Neuron
Spiral = Circle + Circle
Spore = Air + Moss
Sport = Human + Kettlebell
Spring = Metal + Spiral
Spruce = Needle + Tree
Spyglass = Lens + Pipe
Squirrel = Acorn + Mouse
Star = Sky + Telescope
Starfish = Ocean + Star
Steak = Fire + Meat
Steam = Fire + Water
Steel = Carbon + Iron
Stick = Blade + Plant
Sting = Bee + Needle
Stone = Soil + Soil
Stopwatch = Ruler + Time
String = Sound + Thread
Stump = Saw + Tree
Subway = Soil + Tunnel
Sugar = Sugar cane + Windmill
Sugar cane = Plant + Stick + Water
Sulfur = Ash + Lava
Sulfuric acid = Hydrogen + Oxygen + Sulfur
Sun = Fire + Sky
Sunflower = Flower + Sun
Surfboard = Board + Wave
Sushi = Algae + Fish
Swamp = Grass + Lake
Sword = Blade + Stick
Swordfish = Fish + Sword
Syringe = Health + Needle
Tank = Metal + Turtle
Tape measure = Ribbon + Ruler
Tea = Heat + Plant + Water
Tear = Eye + Water
Telescope = Lens + Sky
Temple = God + House
Tent = Cloth + House + Stick
Thermometer = Heat + Mercury
Thread = Cobweb + Cobweb
Thunderbolt = Cloud + Cloud
Tide = Moon + Ocean
Tiger = Jungle + Life
Time = Glass + Sand
Tobacco = Plant + Steam
Tool = Human + Metal + Wood
Tooth = Bone + Pressure
Toothbrush = Tool + Tooth
Toothpaste = Health + Tooth
Toothpick = Needle + Tooth
Torch = Fire + Stick
Tornado = Energy + Wind
Tower = House + Stone
Traffic light = Garland + Road
Trap = Fangs + Metal
Treasure = Chest + Island
Tree = Plant + Plant
Trojan horse = Horse + Wood
Tunnel = Mountain + Road
Turtle = Egg + Sand
Umbrella = Cloth + Rain
Unicorn = Horse + Magic wand
Universe = Galaxy + Galaxy
Vacuum = Glass + Space
Vampire = Blood + Human
Vaseline = Oil + Parrafin wax
Village = House + House
Vinyl disk = Plastic + Wax
Violin = String + Wood
Volcano = Lava + Mountain
Wall = Brick + Concrete
Wallet = Leather + Money
Wallpaper = Glue + Paper + Wall
Walrus = Fangs + Sea cow
Waterfall = Mountain + Water
Wave = Energy + Ocean
Wax = Bee + Bee
Well = Bucket + Shovel + Soil
Werewolf = Human + Moon + Wolf
Whale = Fish + Fountain
Wheat = Shovel + Soil + Water
Wheel = Air + Pressure + Rubber
Wig = Hair + Hair
Wind = Air + Air
Windmill = Stone + Wind
Window = Glass + Wall
Wine = Grapes + Water
Wire = Electricity + Metal + Plastic
Witch = Broom + Human + Magic wand
Wolf = Forest + Life
Wood = Forest + Human
Woodpecker = Bird + Wood
Wool = Scissors + Sheep
Writing system = Feather + Paper
Yeast = Bacteria + Bread
Yogurt = Bacteria + Milk
Zebra = Horse + Savannah
Zombie = Death + Life
Thanks for the list and will use it when I get to this game. I like that people are making achievement guides for the android games because I can never find any achivment guides for android games anywhere online.