Here's a little combination of programs i've made to encrypt your prx's and wrap then in another prx so people cant pick apart your code so easy with prxtool (good for hiding a plugin in a plugin)
*Nix and Windows binarys / scripts included
It is using xor encryption so its not the strongest method but it will work as long as you tinker with the source code. Keep in mind it can be picked apart pretty easy with psplink.
The keys.h in the "includes" directory contains the keys that encrypt the file, you will want to change those maybe add a few extras or play around with the source code for bin2xor as well as syphor (the must match in methods)
Step 1:
Place the plugin you wish to encrypt into the folder titled "put_your_prx_here".
Step 2:
Click build.bat
Step 3:
Test your new plugin
View attachment 8643
*Nix and Windows binarys / scripts included
It is using xor encryption so its not the strongest method but it will work as long as you tinker with the source code. Keep in mind it can be picked apart pretty easy with psplink.
The keys.h in the "includes" directory contains the keys that encrypt the file, you will want to change those maybe add a few extras or play around with the source code for bin2xor as well as syphor (the must match in methods)
Step 1:
Place the plugin you wish to encrypt into the folder titled "put_your_prx_here".
Step 2:
Click build.bat
Step 3:
Test your new plugin
View attachment 8643