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RemoteJoy Installation and User Guide


Well-Known Member
First off, What's RemoteJoy?
RemoteJoy is a program to let your psp screen show on your computer!
Fun eh?

Here's the Guide:

Before Hand: Please Read All the readme files! it's always help.


*)Download files
2)Driver Installation
3)Showing Your XMB
4)Showing Your Game

*) Download Files

Download {Here} Inside there are: (I'm using MediaFire)
[1]Microsoft's .Net Framework.
[2]"RemotejoySDLGUI" folder
[3]"bin" folder
[4]"Key Repair" folder

1) Installation

(a)Setup for PSP (Files are in /RemotejoySDLGUI/PSP FW 3.XX OE)
---[1]Copy the PSPLink folder from PSP FW 3.XX OE into ms0:/PSP/GAME/.

---[2]Copy everything from SEplugins in to ms0:/seplugins/.(if you don't have the folder just create one.)
---Move On.

(b)Setup for Your Computer
---[1]put the "bin" file on the Desktop (Recommended, because you won't need it after.)
---Move On.

2)Driver Installation
Now Comes the Tricky Part.
---[1]Link your PSP with USB via computer.

---[2]Run program PSPLink V3.0 OE"

---[3]*Tricky* Your computer will show you that it has detected a new device. Make sure it says detected "PSP Type B" not "USB Device". (If it says USB Device please go to Appendex A below the guide.) Leave the window aside, we will use it later.

---[4]Execute the inf-wizard.exe in the "bin" file. Press next and choose the device that says PSP Type B in the Description coloum. Press next. Change the manufacturer name into Sony and press next. Save your file as "psp.inf" in the "bin" folder(and press save). Then press finish.

---[5]Back to the "New Device Window"(Showing "PSP Type B"). Choose "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and press next. Click Have Disk and press browse, and select to look in the "bin" folder. Click OK, and move on. This is when your computer starts to look for the psp.inf file. If the computer asks where "libusb0.sys" is browse to the "bin" folder.

---[6]After the Driver installation is done on Windows, go to device manager and click View-> Show Hidden device, to show the hidden device, haha. Under LibUSB_Win32 catagory right click and choose property on "PSP Type B". if the Manufacturer says Sony, your okay!!

Now for fun~

3)Showing Your XMB

---[*]Disable all your plugins from the Recovery Menu. Plug your PSP with USB via Computer.

---[1]Execute RemotejoyGUI.exe from the RemotejoySDLGUI folder.

---[2]Start USBHost FS from the GUI (this might open when you execute the program the step before.)

---[3]Start PSPLink v3.0 OE on your psp. the USBHost FS will show "Connect to device".

---[4]Start PSPSH from the GUI.

---[5]StartWindow Mode with FPS from the GUI.

---[6]Under PSPSH Commands press "reset vsh" (going back to your xmb).

---[7]Under PSPSH Commands press "load vsh" then "load Rjoy PRX" and your psp screen will show on your computer!

4)Showing Your Game

---[*]Enable psplink.prx and remotejoy.prx plugins from Recovery Mode. Plug your PSP with USB via computer.

---[1]Execute RemotejoyGUI.exe from the RemotejoySDLGUI folder.

---[2]Start USBHost FS from the GUI (this might open when you execute the program the step before.)

---[3]Go into your game, make sure you have started playing. Pause the game.

---[4]Start PSPSH from the GUI.

---[5]You Have 4 Choices. Window with/without FPS. Fullscreen with/without FPS. Choose one.

---[6]go to the PSPSH command windows (there should be a host0:/) and type in: %loadjoy.

---[7]Start Playing!!!

Press F3 if you see nothing.


Why Does it show "USB Device" but not "PSP Type B"? Because your PSP might be hardware downgraded or downgraded with an older version of downgrader. Anyways....

---[1]Copy Everything from Key Repair into ms0:/PSP/GAME/.

---[2]On your PSP go into the program "ID Storage Change". Press X to start, and it will exit itself after it's done. Some users (like me) will show that you don't need to use this and exits back to the XMB. Don't Worry, just keep on going.

---[3]Then go into ID Storage manager and press X all the way until it goes back to the main menu. press O to exit.

---[4]Enter ID Storage Repair. You Should See This:
42 is a 6 b-up : 1
is6right : 1
is4right : 1
key 5 good? : 1
isFinalDGed : 1
is43right : 1
is47right : 1
is41rihgt : 1
Can Run 1.5 : 1
Your PSP is already repaired

(Mine: is47right :0, but it still works)

---[5]Done! Back to Step 5 in Driver Installation.


Thanks for information from:
PSP Hacks Forums
TgBus(China Site)
Two Hours of Life.

Don't understand the driver installtion? Click Here for a tutorial Clip!!!
Reply if it works!
Question if there's problem!

Feel free to correct me.:biggrin:
Uh, you didn't link to the file, man.
roe-ur-boat to the rescue. I'll change the title for you. XD

Thank You!:biggrin:

EDIT: I'm going to make a video clip on how to install, hope it helps!
EDIT:Clip UP!!! heh...
Help with my psp

Hi there i am using 3.40 OE-A on a TA081 PSP. I connected my psp but its showing USB Device. so i tried to use the key repair thing. I followed all the steps correctly but when i use the ID change thing it says my psp is not TA082 so it wouldnt let me change the id. How can i fix this?
Hi there i am using 3.40 OE-A on a TA081 PSP. I connected my psp but its showing USB Device. so i tried to use the key repair thing. I followed all the steps correctly but when i use the ID change thing it says my psp is not TA082 so it wouldnt let me change the id. How can i fix this?

1)Copy the ID Storage Manager Folder into PSP/GAME, NOT including the keys folder. (which means in the IDStorageManager folder there are only EBOOT.PBP and idstorage.prx inside)

2)Execute ID Storage Manager and press SQUARE, then press X to dump the Keys. (Backup)

3)Copy the Keys Folder to somewhere else in your computer backup

4)In the IDStorageManager folder put back the original keys folder i included, and execute the program again. this time press X all the way until it's back to the main menu.

5)after it's done exit and go into id storage repair and see if it's like what it says in the guide.

it's works, says in a chinese web. (http://psp.tgbus.com).
but i don't guarantee
if it doesn't work, put your original keys back on your PSP

good luck
Hi there i am using 3.40 OE-A on a TA081 PSP. I connected my psp but its showing USB Device. so i tried to use the key repair thing. I followed all the steps correctly but when i use the ID change thing it says my psp is not TA082 so it wouldnt let me change the id. How can i fix this?

its not a PSP problem most likely an issue on the PC end. TA-081 do not have any corrupt idstorage keys.

sure you started PSP Link?
Sweet i got it to work i thought it was a waste of time cuz i thought it wouldn't work but in the end it worked out great!!!
i couldnt get this to work.... I tried running the XMB but when i load the vsh my psp turns off. Any ideas whats wrong?
Sweet i got it to work i thought it was a waste of time cuz i thought it wouldn't work but in the end it worked out great!!!

good that it works XD

i couldnt get this to work.... I tried running the XMB but when i load the vsh my psp turns off. Any ideas whats wrong?

i'm afraid it's your computers problem. are you using your new comp or old comp?
Im using my new comp and am using the remotejoygui I had from ages ago when I tried this. Could you upload the remotejoy on its own because the package in your post is to big for dial up
Appendix A problems

Ok ive been going thru this for about a day now and still couldnt figure it out. I just completed appendix a, number 3 where you after you keep pressing X and exit. When entering ID storage repair it says:

42 is a 6 b up: 0
is6right : 0
is4right : 0
key 5 good : 0
isFinalGDed : 0
is43right : 0
is47right : 0
is41right : 0
is45right : 0
can run 1.5 : 1
This program has detected that
your psp has run the *** ORIGINAL DG ONLY ***
and will modify your IDstorage based on this




Now according to this thread most of the digits aren't right so i went on and pressed the right trigger. i would appreciate your help. what do i do now?

Well Thanks, Ive been to tons of other forum concerning remotejoy and this is as noob friendly as it gets. :w00t: Anyways i only found it confusing when u said on the all the digits instead of being 0 had to be 1. And other forums said playing around with these can get your psp bricked. :confused1: Especialy since it said that " IF this is not correct exit", that freaked me out a lil. Well ill give it a try later tonight and will tell you how it goes. . We take the risk so you have the fun forum readers.
Are you guys still using the older version of the PSP or the new slim and lite

I'm having an issue setting up, I cannot run the programe on the PSPLink v3.0 OE the PSP claims it can't start the programme (800020148) and windows doesn't detect the PSP. I cant do anything else after this.

I've tried using different USB ports and wires but it's no change, any ideas?