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Working with vlf-Library

Hey devs,
hopefully someone can help me. How can I add an icon to the titlebar? I've searched google and have read the whole vlf.h but haven't found sth useful.
I know, that this function creates a titlebar:
vlfGuiSetTitleBar(vlfGuiAddText(0,0,"Text here"),0,1,0);
And I remember that this arg---------------------^ is for icons. If set to NULL then an icon is not required..but how to add one?

Regards ;) And sorry, my English isn't that good :D
I know, that this function creates a titlebar:
vlfGuiSetTitleBar(vlfGuiAddText(0,0,"Text here"),0,1,0);

Uhh someone can correct me but this is a mild guess.
vlfGuiSetTitleBar(vlfGuiAddText(0,0,"Text here"),0,1,0);

vlfGuiSetTitleBar is a function that will *obviously* set the title bar.
I'm assuming those 3 numbers in red are x,y,z coordinates for positioning the title (because your adding text lol)

Just a guess lol, never used this function before. Perhaps someone will be able to help you out.
I'm assuming those 3 numbers in red are x,y,z coordinates for positioning the title (because your adding text lol)

If you had taken 5 seconds to google the function before posting about something you know nothing of, you would've realized the numbers aren't even close to being coordinates and the first one isn't even a number. :rolleyes:
If you really did read the includes this line should've told you how to add a picture:
void vlfGuiSetTitleBar(VlfText text, VlfPicture pic, int visible, int hideobj);
Look up the VlfPicture struct (supposingly in the same include) and off you go.
Maybe there's even a function to make a proper pointer to a pic, like for the text, dunno, never used VLF.
And it took me approx 7.3 seconds to google that up....
Uhh someone can correct me but this is a mild guess.
vlfGuiSetTitleBar(vlfGuiAddText(0,0,"Text here"),0,1,0);

vlfGuiSetTitleBar is a function that will *obviously* set the title bar.
I'm assuming those 3 numbers in red are x,y,z coordinates for positioning the title (because your adding text lol)

Just a guess lol, never used this function before. Perhaps someone will be able to help you out.

Not trying to rub it in even more, but you wouldn't need a z coordinate to place text.
If you really did read the includes this line should've told you how to add a picture:

Look up the VlfPicture struct (supposingly in the same include) and off you go.
Maybe there's even a function to make a proper pointer to a pic, like for the text, dunno, never used VLF.
And it took me approx 7.3 seconds to google that up....

Thanks, I've solved the problem :) A major honour that "Hellcat" has helped me :D