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Xbox time played being strange?


New Member
When im doing automatic syncs my halo master chief collection seens to be the only game that will update time played. I have played call of duty and rainbow six siege however those dont update? If you could help me out id greatly appreciate it
I have forced an update on all your games, let me know if that fixed it.
By the way, under further review, I think the reason why the site is having trouble picking up playtime for some of your games is because there's no "Play activity" showing up on Xbox when viewing your profile.

The actual Xbox site shows the same issue... there should be a section "Play activity" under the Bio but it's not visible. I think you may have the privacy setting "Others can see your game and app history" set to Only Me or Friends.

This will impact automatic updates if you don't have that setting public. Otherwise, the only way to tell if a game has been played recently is if achievements were earned.

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 4.43.17 PM.png
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Thats strange as i went into my xbox settings and it says its set to everybody. Ill try turning it onto and friends and then back onto everybody to see if it fixes it
Looking on xbox it seems alot of profiles are having this issue as most of them say they havent played any games. Must be a problem on xbox's end. Hoping it gets fixed at some point