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Puzzle World Trouble On PSP Firmware 3.5


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

It looks like PSP owners who recently upgraded to Firmware 3.5 are experiencing crashes while playing Capcom Puzzle World. This isn't the first time a firmware update has affected compatibility - firmware 3.01 fixed game performance in Jeanne d'Arc, and the firmware 3.02 update patched up PaRappa the Rapper's downloadable content issues. Capcom had this to say about the reports:

[blockquote2]This issue appears to be similar to the same issues that we experienced previously with PSP firmware versions 3.3 and earlier, which was fixed with firmware version 3.4.

We are aware of this issue, and are working with Sony on possible fixes as quickly as we can.[/blockquote2]

PSP Firmware 3.51 soon? Probably.

PSP Firmware 3.5 & Capcom Puzzle World Crashes [Capcom]


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Heh, ya gotta love the fact that Sony's messups are making them work harder on their updates.:biggrin: