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What about PS Store EBOOTs?


New Member
Can the ChickHEN run PS Store EBOOTs that aren't aloud to be ran on someone else's psp, y'know what I mean? Because I live in Canada where they don't sell PS Store prepaid cards and my parents don't want me using their credit card for stuff like that, but I want Syphon Filter: Combat Ops real bad as well as other PS Store exclusives.

If yes, does anyone have a copy of Syphon Filter: Combat Ops to share?:blush:

If no, maybe it would be a good idea for Team Typhoon to add a feature like this?


Active Member
It runs store bought EBOOTs fine. As for transferring them, you have to have the PS3 they're on transfer them to your PSP. A straight copy and paste doesn't work.


New Member
It runs store bought EBOOTs fine. As for transferring them, you have to have the PS3 they're on transfer them to your PSP. A straight copy and paste doesn't work.

Ahh but I guess I wasn't clear enough. I want to know if it runs other peoples EBOOTs, because it is impossible to do with OFW and its impossible for me to purchase from the PS Store (especially with having being stuck with old firmware).


Active Member
Ahh but I guess I wasn't clear enough. I want to know if it runs other peoples EBOOTs, because it is impossible to do with OFW and its impossible for me to purchase from the PS Store (especially with having being stuck with old firmware).

Ah, I get it now. HEN doesn't change anything to do with POPS, so you're still in the same boat as if you were on official firmware.


New Member
OK thanks... so that means that a POPS loader would run any PS Store EBOOTS then?


Active Member
Not from the store, but to use the same games in POPS you would just need to either download the game ready made or rip the disk and convert it yourself. It's the same game, just without the manuals Sony provides when you buy from their store.