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PSP Firmware 3.51 Released


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

It's only been a couple days since the Lumines exploit was released, allowing all PSP firmware versions to be downgraded. And now, Sony has released Firmware 3.51 to combat this exploit. No new functionality can be found in 3.51, it only patches the Lumines exploit.

In layman's terms, do not upgrade to 3.51 if you still wish to downgrade. Changelog is as follows:

  • Revisions to strengthen security have been added.

If you do wish to update, grab the new firmware either through Network Update or via the download link below.

Download PSP Firmware 3.51


You know,why sony don't want people to downgrade?
Because they're jealous of DAX's custom firmware?

Sony,Sony!I don't know what you're thinking but I do know that you're f**cked up stupid!!:thumbdown: :mad1: >:-O

Yeah right!!I never going to upgrade any newer of your stupid crap(which is the firmware)(crap firmware)!!


New Member
Wouldn't suprise me if the security update bricked your PSP upon trying to use the Lumines exploit. Then again, there's one LEGITIMATE reason they would want to patch the exploit. Remember the brickers that used the tiff exploit?

For those that don't care about homebrew, and play Lumines, this would definitely be something they would want to patch. Someone COULD make a virus to plant an infected save file (possibly overwriting your own) without your knowledge. Not very likely though. People without Lumines would see the save file and go WTF?

On a side note: I wonder why they didn't also fix Puzzle World, while they were at it? Lazy bastards. Oh well, now DAX doesn't have to worry about 3.51 OE-A

