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Anyone want to help?


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Know what? I think I'm gonna pass this to DC, he knows what he needs 'n' such, so I think it'd be better if he did it himself. Don't count me out, however; I can write reviews, if you're going to have them on the site.:smile: I'm fairly well versed on quite a few handheld RPGs, especially the old-skool ones, like the Final Fantasy Legend games, and also the NGPC RPGs, I've schooled basically all of those.:biggrin:


My bro runs an ISP / hosting service and does web design implimentation and hosting let me know if your interusted. Havent any idea if he charges, i would have to ask .


The Doctor
well....for this situation... Maybe a blog based website (like Exophase news) would do I think...all we have to do then is alter an image here and ther...or we could make a wiki?


Staff Member
i don't think i could do this,sorry.
just been hit with like 4 assignments and they need work... :|
if Darkchild has free time i'm sure he could help :)
if i do get some free time then i'll take a stab at it.
i should do though since the gf is away on holiday to china on sunday. :)


New Member
Alright thanks. So who is doing what:

Junit: Banner
Darkchild: ??? (What is it that you will do?)
Chezze: Reviews
Acer: Reviews

Darkchild: A blog based site is fine.


we gotta hae different colours and shiznits from exophase , gotta have a big opening with a BOOM so write those review before we put up the site , just so some content for when the site opens


1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d
I can help out. I specialize in design and management (I have some experience).

Give me a shout if you need anything.


New Member
I wish. The first step was for Juint to make me a banner, but he got mad because my MSN was not working. If you or anyone else want to make a banner, then I would love to get this rolling again.

EDIT: Alright so the project is back. Are name is going to be Fantaji.com. We are going to cover RPG's for all systems, not just handhelds. We have cheezeball working on the HTML, and Junit on the Banner. Here is the forums: http://fantajiforums.proboards102.com/index.cgi

Head over there if you want to help, and get your friends to join.