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GB/A Emulator?


I'm looking for a GB/GBA emulator so I can play my games (Tetris and Warioblast = WIN) on my DS. I miss backwards compatability :'(


New Member
You would be better off to go with a EXFlash 3 - 1. It's only $20 and can work with any flashcard like the R4 or M3 if you patch it. I can get you a link if you want one.


But I was committed after that birthday party...
All I know is that I use an EZPass3/EZFlash4 and they work great, I can use 'em on my SP, Micro and DS.


New Member
uh...dont they include the EXFlash 3 when you buy the m3 online? something like a bundle? i just bought a m3 real bundle with rumble pack for 46$ here at this site...m3 real
dont tell me i still need to buy that EXFlash 3....