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Sony Considers PSN Subscriptions


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Sony is currently conducting a survey on its PlayStation Asia website, asking gamers if they'd like to pay a monthly fee to download an unlimited amount of content from the PlayStation Store.

If unlimited access to content includes PSOne games (assuming they start throwing them up on the Store weekly or at least bi-weekly) and PSN games, then I'd be very interested. How about you?

Sony considering a subscription service for the PlayStation store? [Siliconera via PSPFanboy]


New Member
the one time fee would probably be in the hundreds, or it'll be a weird business plan. people would just subscribe once and get everything then wait till next year to subscribe again or sth wouldnt they


New Member
Subscribing for actual PSN content sure would beat, hands down, subscribing just for multiplayer access and the ability to pay for individual content via points cards...

I simply don't like the overall idea of paying for internet, to pay for XBL, so that I can spend my paid for points cards (or to be able to use the multiplayer functions of my paid for retail games) - especially when generally you already pay through the arse for the junk that is the main box to get the opportunity to basically.... you got it! NEVER stop paying again!

Sorry XBL fans, not many other comparisons to draw from aside from free PC networks. Hope you all enjoyed your recent paid for outage, you don't always get what you paid for.

Go Sony! I know you guys can do better simply because you generally give a darn what people want to pay for - hence the survey long before the product - wrather than take it or leave it.