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Wii Dracula X Rondo of Blood Hits Japan VC In April


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

The game vampire whipping aficionados have been waiting for ever since Hudson formally announced that it was bringing Turbografx-16 CD-ROM titles to the Wii Virtual Console is coming to Japan this April. Yes, that's right. Konami's classic 2D platformer, Dracula X Rondo of Blood, will appear on the Japanese Virtual Console later next month.

There's been no word on if the title will come to North America, or Europe for that matter. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope Nintendo has an import week planned for us on the VC next month.

In addition to the masterpiece that is Rondo of Blood, next month's lineup of notable VC titles in Japan includes the likes of Kirby 64, Metal Slug, and Phantasy Star III. A very solid selection, indeed. Hopefully April's offerings in the U.S. will be every bit as impressive. Yeah, right.

Hit the jump for the entire lineup.[blockquote2]Famicom:

* Bokosuka Wars
* Sky Kid
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* Volguard II

Super Famicom:

* Famicom Detective Club Part II
* Heracles no Eikou IV

Sega Master System:

* Wonder Boy

Mega Drive:

* Musha Aleste
* Phantasy Star III
* Phelios


* Kirby 64

Turbo Duo:

* Digital Champion: Battle Boxer
* Dracula X: Rondo of Blood
* Legend of Valkyrie
* Monster Lair
* Riot Zone


* Metal Slug