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New Member
Hey, how's everyone doing? Just joined this site, a little excited. I'll be releasing some mods here from now on. Hope you all enjoy my work.


[insert custom user title here]
Hey, welcome to eXophase, where n00bs, such as me, wil not flame you....Actually, we'll feed you with cokies and bananas.
Here's one for making your first post **trows a cookie to lostknight**


Staff Member
always was interested in that USB mass storage one...wondering if would be possible to add a slider switch though to get around the problem with it going screwy when you were trying to internally wire it....although i'm sure you thought of that before.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Place the code after the v= in [*youtube][/youtube*] (don't forget to remove the asterisks)


New Member
Not meaning to flame, but if this ever gets released I'll be very surprised. So many things just didn't add up about it.



New Member
I never said I didn't know how it supposedly worked. I just said it didn't add up. Even the other modders at acidmods didn't seem to know what you had actually done. One was insistent you used ipod linux. Which of course would be pure BS, since ipod linux doesn't even have a USB stack.

I'm not gonna go into why I don't think it'll be released, but lets just say I'd like to be proven wrong.



New Member
Nubs nowaday only get cfw to use isos, if you can find me one that doesn't Ill send you 20usd paypal. That's because I never told anyone at AM how to build it. The only people that know how to it's done is me, Anonymous, Tuffhitta and pyro. I intend to release the new one with the components still onboard the breadboard but I will not release the plans yet. I've already got some things to counter the 'its a fake' comments. I plan to tape it live with the radio playing to show that there is no video editing. Also, it's not going to be internal but external on the breadboard to show that there is nothing connected to it. Maybe this will solve all those nub comments...


I remember seeing something like this before. Don't remember where. But who cares what nubs do? Give me that $20...