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Interactive MGS 4 Database Hits PSN Tomorrow


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Konami’s Brandon Laurino has announced that tomorrow will see the launch of the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Database on PlayStation Network. Fully interactive, the online database will give veterans and series newcomers alike the chance to brush up their knowledge on MGS lore, with unabridged access to complete storylines, character profiles, and in-depth relationship diagrams.

Worried about spoilers? Don't, as Konami has newbies covered. All revealing MGS 4 information will be totally "blacked out" until you have fully completed the game.

Sounds pretty neat to us. On a side note, Laurino teased that additional downloadable content will be released for MGS 4 in the near future. Specifics were not divulged, however.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Database on the way! [PS Blog]