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Square Enix Touts "Shocking" Announcement At DKΣ3713


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

We know that Square Enix is showing off a number of its highly anticipated titles at the exclusive Japan-only DKΣ3713 fan event starting August 2. What we didn't know - until now - is that the folks over at SE are prepping an announcement that will "shock" fans in attendance, or so says company exec Shinji Hashimoto:[blockquote2]You can look forward to the upcoming invite-only fan event DKS3713 [taking place in Tokyo on August 2 and 3], where we'll have a major announcement that will shock the fans in attendance. [/blockquote2]Interestingly, the question that prompted his response was in reference to the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete Blu-ray release. So perhaps another FFVII movie is on the way? Or - dare I say it - an FFVII remake? Seems unlikely, but to be honest, what else would qualify as shocking? We'll find out soon enough, I suppose. Hopefully they aren't getting our hopes up for nothing.

E3 2008: One More Final Fantasy XIII Interview [1UP]


New Member
<p>It's not FF7. Squares' been torturing us with that belief forever and we'll never see it. If they were going to do it they would have done it a long time ago. This 'Shocking' announcement will most likely be something stupid like Kingdom Hearts 3. Or even...*gasp*...Kingdom Hearts 3 on the 360!</p>


[insert custom user title here]
<p>KH 3 would be awesome, but it's not probably that. (since the other ones haven't been realized yet)</p>


Staff Member
as great as a ff7 remake would be,its just not happening...for one,the amount of detail in the original game was mind blowing....to remake ALL of it to our 1080p expectations and still make it look amazing...well...it would take forever.

saying that though,a shocking annoucement i'd like to see is ff7 remade and released at the end of august free with every ps3.....that would send sales through the roof.... :p

EDIT: also, just wanna say,really like the elfin lied avatar fearevil has :)


New Member
Shouldn't there be an update on this? I can't find news on it anywhere.

The announcement should have happened this last weekend, right?


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Yeah. There were updates over the weekend on the event. Turns out the big announcement was that there will be an FFXIII demo included with Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete.

Also, Final Fantasy XIII Agito and Parasite Eve 3 were announced for PSP. More here:



New Member
Oh....I can't say I'm terribly excited. I mean, Agito and PE3 is good news but, it didn't really "shock" me. Did these announcements shock anyone else?