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Battery and Memory Stick


New Member
hi guys, I'm new here.
I'm planing to get one of those Pandora battery (which the seller claimed to work on Phat and slim) + 2 Gig memory ready to use to put CFM (either to unbrick or to put CFM).


Are they going to work?
from reading the info on that page, the battery and the Memory card is the only things I need to put CFM and unbrick any PSP. Is this correct?


anyone? :-(


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
That seller is ripping you off... the memory stick and battery are definitely not worth $60. Not to mention, the memory stick there looks fake.

I would just buy a pre-converted battery and install the memory stick files yourself. You can do so using the TotalNewbie installer.


eXo Staff
Avoid. That's Fake and as already said there is no 3.93 M33. There is a 3.93 CFW but it is not dev'd by Team M33.