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Sony Partners With FON For Free PSP WiFi Access In Japan


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Sony today announced that it has formed a partnership with the WiFi sharing network known as FON to allow PSP owners to freely access the internet across 44,000 FON hotspots in Japan.

In addition to free internet access, users will be able to download PSP content such as game demos, XMB themes and wallpaper images through the service. In celebration of the announcement, a theme for Square Enix's PSP brawler Dissidia: Final Fantasy will be available to all FON-connected users.

There's been no word on if Sony plans to extend the PSPxFON service over to the U.S. and Europe at a later date.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Yep, completely free.


New Member
<p>hmm in Canada just go to a starbucks and Boom Free internet for your PSP lol</p>
<p>FON hotspots seems to be more Japan Exclusive more then anything.</p>
<p>I mean carriers here dont want to have the word "Free" in anything much anymore.</p>