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PlayStation 3 More of an Investment


New Member
Well I just bought a PlayStation 3 around 4 weeks ago. I have to say I'm loving it more then my Xbox 360. But it's more of an investment at this point then anything because of the few games to pick from. SoulCalibur IV just came out last month awesome game but Xbox 360 SoulCalibur IV still has Yoda. With the 1% fail rate on the PlayStation 3 its a great buy.

Only thing now with the new PlayStation 3 coming out and Sony doing away with the 60GB Hardware Backwards capability moving into software backwards capability. Moving away from 4 USB and Flashcard readers. To NO Flashcard readers and 2 USB ports I find that really disappointing. At the same time coming out with a cheaper PlayStation 3, It comes with fewer options. I love how right out of the box PlayStation 3 supports Divx and Xvid, External Hard drives, Sony even supports changing your internal hard drive with it seems any brand you want unlike the Xbox 360. The PlayStation 3 80 GB (NTSC) They are making still comes with the Flash Reader and 4 USB ports. The New one due in August was said not to support ps2 backwards capability.

It's not really a big deal about the Flashcard Reader in the front. But it was a nice option, I like having options because one time or another I will need to use it. Maybe with installing Linux or saving a game on it. I'm really sad they took out the 4 USB ports I find 2 ports isn't enough to plug all my stuff in. The PlayStation Network has alot of good small neat games. Like Super Stardust HD I find this game takes me back to PlayStation/Nintendo and the fun I use to have playing small games. The Game gets pretty tough I find.

With Games like LittleBigPlanet, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, SOCOM: Confrontation, and many other games coming out within the next few months. I'm happy with my PlayStation 3 and standing by for the great new titles to come. I think if your looking for a PlayStation 3 you should go out and find the 60GB version.


New Member
It's true that it's more of an investment, but the question is; will you see a return on that investment? As thus far, the 360 has an impressive catalogue of both Arcade games and full retail games, and most of the big releases are going to both systems now-a-days, with only one or two small differences between the two.

As far as i see it, unless Sony can line up a bunch of big exclusives, it's in trouble as 80% of the good games on it's console are also avaliable on 360.

I agree it's a shame about them making it cheaper by just giving you less console, in the same way i'm miffed, that due to buying a 360 early on i now have a 360 that doesn't support HDMI. *sigh*


New Member
Yes, it's a disappointment that the early 360 consoles without HDMI. That a week ago my 360 just gave me the Red ring of death.:( Very, very sad day when that happened I really don't want to send my 360 in for repair and wait a good 3 months. But the PlayStation 3 does still have BluRay and now that HDDVD is dead Sony has that market.