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I'm emigrating!


New Member
parents don't want to bring them there, besides, with the money I'll earn from selling them, and seeing that the euro is more expensive than the Canadian dollar, I'll have more than enough money for a better pc ;)

trust me, if I could xD I'd bring you along, but I can't <.<
that way I could have at least one friend there in canada <.<
since I know no one It'll be a real bummer <.<

Btw, Why the fuck did you change nickname?! what happened to fearevil?!

Thats what i was thinkin!

Are you still going to have your lan parties? maybe when im in chi-town during summers i could come up. :w00t:


Well-Known Member
I used to live on the west coast of Canada.

How about the server you have, sellin that too?


New Member


The Doctor
I'll need to know the right people, and find the right place, not to mention pay the right price ( I usually need lots of material)


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
We should just meet up at PAX or something. I'll probably be at the east coast event in March. It's in Boston.


1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d
How convenient! I just moved from the Windsor area(Belle River, actually). I emigrated from Canada and living in the states in metro Detroit.

Should be getting my citizenship in roughly two years.


The Doctor
hmm I dunno... only when I get acustomed to where I am (Thank god there'll be plenty of computer stores nearby :D)