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Post your halloween adventures.


New Member
Tell us what you did last night.

Went to an awful party with my buddy and his girlfriend, we were thinking of slitting our wrists by midnight, so my friend's GF got her Dad to pick her up and take her home (he's a taxi driver) and me and my buddy got him to drop us off in the town.

Called my brother and told him to come out too, he brought two of his friends (girls).

We went clubbing after that and had a great night.


Suck It
sex, party, party, party, drunk, sex, party, movie, sleep


Meta Moose
Had a quiet day, and then a surprise birthday party! Was really fun... I started to suspect something was up after my mum refused to allow me to have my friends over, though. :p

Pokemanz master

Lowering your IQ
Boring for me, but I ended up going out to eat. :D
it was nice seeing alot of different costumes


I stayed up playing Diablo 2 with my two friends who were horribly drunk online over Skype until 7:30am.

I did confirm with a girl I know that she'd pay for me to bone her though.


New Member
I didn't do much, this year i took me little brother around to get candies.

But I just had the worst thing ever happen, my sister went with her friends and they got some candy, well they found maggots in the candy. I live in a very nice neighborhood but still, someone could have put it in the candy. Well out of curiosity i googled this and was shocked! Reeses are my favorite candy! I eat one just about every week or more.

