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One hundred push ups anyone?


FrozenIpaq said:
isn't the proper way to do a one-hand with the legs apart? I've only tried it that way and can do about 7-10
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is, but it's seriously tough doing them with your legs together.


That guy, who Records Music.
i might be able to make it to 100 if i do them the easy way


New Member
The most I can do is 140 push ups until I get really tired. I've been doing it every single day (Maybe missed a day or 2) for about 5-6 months now.


New Member

this time last year i could do 80 or so

i can do around 70 now

could get up to 100 in a week or to if i really wanted to concentrate on it

and joey, you can way do it any of you can, its a matter of effort


New Member
I'm game for this. Since I had my ACL replaced I haven't gotten enough exercise. This will be a good way to start getting back in shape.


Like a Boss
I got 30 on my test. I guess I'll start in week 4...


New Member
I missed the first day of week 3 because I have classes until pretty late on a Monday and my friends took me out drinking right after I got home so I didn't have time.

I'm wondering if I should push them all back by one day or just skip day one and wait for day two.


Suck It
Vee said:
crunches = sit ups?

Differences between a crunch and a sit-up:

Unlike the sit-up, when performing a crunch the lower back should not leave the floor. This is said to eliminate any involvement by the hip flexors, and make the crunch an effective isolation exercise for the abdominals. The difficulty of the crunch can be increased by lying on a declined bench and/or holding a weight on the chest or behind the head.