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808s & Heartbreak


Like a Boss
The whole CD leaked yesterday.

In my opinion, it's decent. Kanye tried to do something really out the ordinary. It wasn't the best results, but they're favorable. He made something that seemed really "gay" into something that people will actually listen to. His singing isn't good at all, but a lot of the hooks are very catchy and he makes some good statements in his verses. One that I really liked was from Welcome to Hearbreak when he said, "My friend show me pictures of his kids / And all I can show them were pictures of my cribs". Overall, I think it's a decent album. Not any better than his previous ones. It's almost as good as Graduation though.

Be sure to listen to Heartless, Amazing, RoboCop, Street Lights, See You In My Nightmares, and Coldest Winter.


Just downloaded it...I like most of them so far...I can only find it in crappy 172kbps though :( Also the Robocop that came on the album is so much better than the one I previously heard.


Like a Boss
Frenchb0ygenius said:
Just downloaded it...I like most of them so far...I can only find it in crappy 172kbps though :( Also the Robocop that came on the album is so much better than the one I previously heard.

It's VBR, quality is pretty good. I liked the RoboCop lyrics from the beginning, the new instrumental sounds much better.


Like a Boss
Frenchb0ygenius said:
Ya that's true, the changes made in the new lyrics of RoboCop suck lol.

The last part of the song doesn't even blend in with the rest.


New Member
Yeah i got this yesterday too.

Massive overhaul of Robocop, i love the violins now.

All together, i really like the album. Just like most, i was ready to call it rubbish. But Coldest Winter pulled me in.

Best song of the album is easy to tell, its See You In My Nightmares. Lil' Wayne coming in with just a few bars, is perfectly compliments the song.

Altogether, hats off to Kanye. He's trying something new and it works.


Vee said:
Yeah i got this yesterday too.

Massive overhaul of Robocop, i love the violins now.

All together, i really like the album. Just like most, i was ready to call it rubbish. But Coldest Winter pulled me in.

Best song of the album is easy to tell, its See You In My Nightmares. Lil' Wayne coming in with just a few bars, is perfectly compliments the song.

Altogether, hats off to Kanye. He's trying something new and it works.

That's also probably why I liked this album so much. I kinda got out of hip hop last year, and when I heard Love Lockdown I was amazed. Favorite songs so far are: Say You Will, Heartless, Amazing, Love Lockdown, RoboCop, See You In My Nightmares, and Coldest Winter


Active Member
People will insist to say this album fails but when someone like Kanye, himself, does something liek this and it works tremulously, wouldn't you want more out of him?

But from another point of view, Kanye is a rapper. Not a pop star. Kanye's lyrics are the upmsot greatest that I have heard in the scene in a long while and it takes awhile for people to realize that rapping isn't easy by any extent. Kanye doing this auto tune CD is a great way for him to tell hi listeners to hear the lyrics rather than say the beat was nice or that his flow is nice.


i'm waiting for a decent download as the ones on the torrent sites seem to be shit quality (according to the comments)
whens it released officially?


Active Member
SeanyP said:
i'm waiting for a decent download as the ones on the torrent sites seem to be shit quality (according to the comments)
whens it released officially?
What's your email? I have a what.cd invite lying around and it's about to expire.


New Member
Hiratai said:
People will insist to say this album fails but when someone like Kanye, himself, does something liek this and it works tremulously, wouldn't you want more out of him?

But from another point of view, Kanye is a rapper. Not a pop star. Kanye's lyrics are the upmsot greatest that I have heard in the scene in a long while and it takes awhile for people to realize that rapping isn't easy by any extent. Kanye doing this auto tune CD is a great way for him to tell hi listeners to hear the lyrics rather than say the beat was nice or that his flow is nice.
I like this album. But only just about.

I'd hate it if he released another singing album. He isnt, he's going back to rapping. Thank God.


Like a Boss
SeanyP said:
i'm waiting for a decent download as the ones on the torrent sites seem to be shit quality (according to the comments)
whens it released officially?

Dude, you need to screw torrents and get with the warez program.

The quality rip's been out since Wednesday.


Active Member
-chw42- said:
Dude, you need to screw torrents and get with the warez program.

lmao. Obviously never heard of 0day.

But yeah this album is pretty bad, it could pass as a good practical joke to make his fans mad tbh (as mad as they are for liking him already).


New Member
Warez software slows down my computer. According to my Shaw Secure (internet provider's anti-virus / firewall, and it's amazing), when I had Warez installed, it has spyware and malware included in it, which slowed down my computer to about half it's ability. But now, it's performing well again that I deleted it. Plus, if you want an artist to succeed, you have to buy their albums. I bought this album, and I thought it was crazy. I actually like the album. But the best ones are the ones that are currently playing, Heartless and Love Lockdown, nothing else shines.


An Annoying Motherfucker
This album is actually from what I've listened off it. Really good. It's not rap. Though you have the occasional shit rapper like Lil' Wayne show up. This is a dark pop album. And it's simplicity and technicality is chilling at the same time. One of the surprise albums for me this year. Now my only hope clings to Folie


Active Member
You can easily say Lil Wayne is shit but still say you like Fall Out Boy?

Gosh damn dude - commas are RIGHT NEXT to the period.