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Stocks and money making


Original Gangstuh

i spent all my money on electronics.
need to make money so i thoght about stocks.

What do i need to get started trading stocks and does anyone have any eXPerience in this subject. also is there a age limit. i recently turned 18 will i be limited by my age. and what will i need to know getting into this.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
If you don't have any money, then buying and selling stocks is not for you. If you know nothing of the subject, my reply will not really give any advice. If you want to learn about the market, read up on it for a few days and come back with questions and about $2000 to open up an Ameritrade account.

Edit - And if you do come up with 2k, I'd sink it into a Roth IRA instead of the market. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the economy is in the shitter and we are riding a wave right now that is swelling to make the Great Depression look like a better option. You are all witnessing history folks. This type of storm hits maybe once every 100 years. I giarantee you will be telling your kids about this time, I know I will.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
And if anyone in general wants to learn more about this and doesn't feel like reading, there's a great three piece video I would recommend found here:

Video - WSJ.com

Click on "Special Packages" and then watch "The End of Wall Street." It details the end of the last investment bank on Wall Street.

Sorry for the incoherent ramblings, I haven't been more stressed over anything in a very long time.


Logic :(
I have three years of AP business classes where we learn how to work the stock market. I've invested tiny sums to see how the process works, and from my personal experience I wouldn't suggest you get into it now. Especially since you have NO MONEY.

Here is a quick tip:
It's best to understand the market you are getting into. It's not best to invest in something random and expect a positive return... it's a game in sense. If you wish to test the waters then try out vse.


New Member
Yep, Just finished taking my Economics Course, A+. But throughout the course we learned that a Roth IRA account is a very good settle investment, and you only have to invest a small amount every year for I believe 4 years.


Original Gangstuh
If you don't have any money, then buying and selling stocks is not for you. If you know nothing of the subject, my reply will not really give any advice. If you want to learn about the market, read up on it for a few days and come back with questions and about $2000 to open up an Ameritrade account.

Edit - And if you do come up with 2k, I'd sink it into a Roth IRA instead of the market. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the economy is in the shitter and we are riding a wave right now that is swelling to make the Great Depression look like a better option. You are all witnessing history folks. This type of storm hits maybe once every 100 years. I giarantee you will be telling your kids about this time, I know I will.

Im asking because in 2 weeks im getting my tax return. Wanting to invest some money.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
Does your mother still claim you as a dependent?

If so, your best bet to invest money would be to go with a high-yield savings account. You'll have to search online for the best rates, but ING-Direct typically has a good one. I'm assuming you work part time based off the hours you post from, so your return will not be very significant.

I haven't gotten my W2's yet, but I know some people already have. Have you done your taxes yet? If so, how much are you expecting as a return?

Investing money is not a short term thing and it sounds like you are expecting to make money in a short amount of time. If that's the case, you need a large amount of liquid capital to day trade with. I'm also going to assume that don't have the wallet to withstand any type of loss with what you are trying to invest. If that's the case, go with either the Roth IRA or high-yield savings account I mentioned.


Lavate las manooos!!
I used to have all my savings in a Money Market account, the 7-day yield used to be 2.44%. It got to a point where I could pay ALL my bills off of the monthly interest accrued.

The 7-day yield is now 0.77% greeaaat economy

I've moved my savings to a high-yield acct at Bank of America. I've had the account since I was 4yrs old, and having $$ in an old bank account does wonders for your credit.

If anyone is looking for a rock-solid reliable long-term investment, buy GOLD. buy gold NOW. Not gold stocks, but find a precious metals broker and buy hunks of gold. No matter what apocalypse may come, gold will always have high value, even higher in times of scarcity.


Original Gangstuh
Does your mother still claim you as a dependent?

If so, your best bet to invest money would be to go with a high-yield savings account. You'll have to search online for the best rates, but ING-Direct typically has a good one. I'm assuming you work part time based off the hours you post from, so your return will not be very significant.

I haven't gotten my W2's yet, but I know some people already have. Have you done your taxes yet? If so, how much are you expecting as a return?

Investing money is not a short term thing and it sounds like you are expecting to make money in a short amount of time. If that's the case, you need a large amount of liquid capital to day trade with. I'm also going to assume that don't have the wallet to withstand any type of loss with what you are trying to invest. If that's the case, go with either the Roth IRA or high-yield savings account I mentioned.

I work full time at suntrust call center. When no one is calling im allowed to surf the net and do what i want (except talk on my cell phone)

So im expecting 3500 back because it was implied ill get a bonus and i worked all of the holidays every day of the year except for obama's inauguration.

I dont want to spend all of it though im willing to spend about a quarter of it.

And im also up for online business's any good ones out there. (no surveys)