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Tic! Tac! Toe!


Well! As the name says, this game is Tic! Tac! Toe!

After around 1.5 hours of Darkchild teaching me how PAlib works, I decided to try and make my first game :D

This is my first (and only lol) release of this game, and it was programmed right after he taught me the basics (took me 2 days, although in those 48 hours I only worked 3 XD). Having knowledge in C++ (what I like to call C on steroids), it was quite easy to become comfortable with this library.
Of course I'm still relatively new to this, so.. this game might have bugs (didn't find any though :3).

Anyways! Graphics are mostly from "The World Ends With You" for the DS, and few are made by me (the lamer ones), which have terrible rendering! Anyways, whatever, still getting used to it! *shuts up*


tictactoe.nds (719kb)

tictactoe.sc.nds (720kb)



Tested with no$gba, runs perfectly.

Would LOVE some feedback (though probably won't get much).

And I promise the next game will be something a bit more decent than the trivial and easy Tic! Tac! Toe! :tongue_smilie:

And for last! I officially dedicate this first game to Darkchild! My great PAlib teacher! :D

Cheers! :)