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AutoStart PRX V3


Well-Known Member
Hey all, it's been a while since I released the last version but I spent today working on a way to only autoboot a selected game on startup and I got it. :w00t: Now you can autoboot a game without pressing any buttons on startup. Also, now you are able to assign backed up games to any of the specified buttons.

I hope this plugin can be useful and if anyone has any suggestions, bugs or comments feel free to post below.


Version 3:
Now you can assign a homebrew to autoboot. Handy for cintro. (No looping!)
Now you can not only assign homebrew but backed up games too.

PS: Thanks to FearEvil19 for testing in the last few minutes before release :smile:


[insert custom user title here]
No problem and it's a very usefull plugin!

May I give a suggetion, I warn you : it's stupid xD
Is it possible to auto-launch the network update?


New Member
Hey Roe, I have assigned Cintro to autoboot and it loops... any suggestions?

3.90 m33-3 slim , tried with and without CXMB plugin loaded... It just continually looped




Thanks, roe-ur-boat!!! this has been extremely helpful..

This is especially a good plug for those who might be working on xmb replacements, cintro or any other start at boot programs...

HEheh Port over WinCE6 while your at it:)


2nd Edit.

Hey roe-ur-boat

I have an extra stupid question which was actually caused by my own request.

Would it be easily possible to assign a button to skip autoboot on demand?
To quick boot for those of us who have created rediculously long Cintro's?

Oh on a side note I'm not much of a C++ programmer yet but I have successfully installed the PSPTOOLCHAIN and the Libraries on my FC9 development box and was successful compiling a working EBOOT for 3.9x CFW.... w00t...

Can you recommend a good resource for PSP dev info? Everthing I am finding is for FW 1.5 etc...

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Make sure you enable the plugin for game.txt too and it should work.


New Member
<p>hi roe, can you help me cause i cant make it work, well i did everything on the instruction, but still i cant select the cintro that ive donwloaded, everytime i assign the cintro on a certain button, and when i check my option it says "nothing" but it works on csos but for cintros no.. how would i be able to do it, nweizz im using a slim psp 4.01 m33-2 tnx....</p>


Well-Known Member
You need to get the cintro app for 3xx to play the pmf. Google cintro 3xx and you should find it.