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CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars Hitting PSN, XBLA In 2009


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

A multiplayer-focused shooter dubbed CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars is hitting Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in 2009, publisher Ubisoft announced today. Players can wage war by utilize a host of telekinetic powers, which can be used to rip environmental objects and throw them at enemies or create bullet-proof shields by absorbing energy from foes.

To be sold exclusively as a downloadable title, the game will pack four multiplayer modes in all -- Death Match, Capture the Flag, Team Death Match and Assault -- each with support for up to sixteen combatants. Additionally, the game's single player aspect will consist of 30 adrenaline-filled challenges, each focused on a specific character.

While pricing has yet to be announced, Ubi did mention that CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars will include both achievements and PlayStation Trophies. Screenshots can be viewed after the break.


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