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could exophase make a emulator gba for eloader .99


New Member
i know that is a huge petition but could you make a gba emulator tu 2.71 without hen c . it could be better for the 2.71 user that don't want downgrade or don't like the hen c
( sorry dark alex :S )


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Whats wrong with HEN C? Well I doubt he'll make a version specific for eLoader, may be best to wait for Fanjita to update the eLoader for better compatibility.


New Member
hen c is unstable

i think that hen c is unstable because when you try to install it no all the time you could do it , but that is not the only reason for me . i think that is usefull install it only for gba emulator . a lot of homebew applications can run on eloader and is easyer to install.

maybe isn't enough reason but i don't like the hen c :confused: