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MacroFire won't map analog stick to dpad


New Member
I can get MacroFire to map the Triangle button to the Cross button and use the Triangle button to open my photos or games (just as a test) but when I try to get the dpad to work the analog stick (or the other way around) it seems to just disable both. I was wanting to navigate in the XMB with my analog stick but it doesn't work.

Also, when I go into a game (such as Stinkee's Swarm) the remapping seems to get reset back to default (ie: dpad won't function as the analog stick and the analog stick still works). My goal is to make the dpad to what the analog stick should be doing. So in Swarm I would use the dpad to move around instead of the analog stick.

I thought once I translated the readme files it would make sense to me but it doesn't. I don't know what to do here. Using PSP-1000 with 5.50 Prometheus.

Also, I tried to edit macrofire.ini and set remap to remap.ini but that would just cause my PSP not to boot up. It would just freeze right before the Sony logo as the PSP powered on. Any ideas on how to fix this?

(Also, please don't respond if you haven't actually used this plugin)