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buggy achievements

  1. asanaparada

    Droid Egg, Inc.

    I don't know if the achievement is buggy or if i need to do something else. The description says: "Mission Impossible: Complete all missions" I believe i did this. but the achievement didn't popUp... Anyone to help?
  2. Lolopin

    Mobi i got an achievement which didnt popped since 2018

    CoolStoryBob. Its about mobile game "Run sausage run!" and achievment "Die Hard".To get this achievment u need die from every obstacle, in 2018 game got update that made this achievment ungetable. You can see it in recent achievers, no one since 2018. To get this achievement, I just installed...
  3. TiagoDapper

    Droid List of games with buggy Google play achievements!

    Although the Guides option is not yet active on the site and there are no comments on achievements within the list itself, I come here to register games on Google Play that are having problems with the achievements, whether temporary or not, or something that was possible in the past and today...