• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.


  1. M

    Just Re-Joined Exophase today. Deleted Old Account with Same Username in December.

    Hi. I just rejoined Exophase today. I had an old account with the same username, but I deleted it back in December 2024. I’d like to re-add all of my gaming accounts to this new account, including Xbox, Steam, Nintendo, PSN, Retro, GOG, etc. I tried to do that, but I can’t. Can I add my...
  2. xfelipextkc

    I want to return to the site

    I recently asked to delete my data from the site for privacy reasons, I regretted it and want to return
  3. T

    Request to bring back my information

    I recently (accidentally) removed my account stats (gamercard) from the site and I wish to bring them back. I misunderstood the remove account option and just wanted my account on the site to be removed and not my gamercard if possible I want it back on the site so I can track my progress again...
  4. KrepaN

    link my PSN

    Hello i'm new on this site I would like to know how I can link my PSN so I can see my trophies and rankings
  5. The8ZNenGates

    Steam proflie picture won't change

    If any body can explain why new steam profile pics can be displayed on this website, I've been tryin to figure this out for the past hour lol. I change it on steam but it won't change her plz help