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About new members


Active Member
i think that new members should have a post count before they can send inbox messages.

Lets say 5 or so because i keep getting help messages in my inbox and its starting to annoy me abit, And because it's 5 they would probably become an active member because from what i see, people sign up, ask a question and when they have an answer they leave.

But thats just an idea i have, what do you think?
I dont know, but i THINK all the ones i get, dont ask names cause i cant remember have like 1 or 2.
Theres not. Ill talk to x3. I think thats a great idea. some websites make it 10 or so posts before that or even posting links.
Imo, cutting all new members off from sending private messages just because a few are abusing the feature isn't a good idea. If you are annoyed by the messages just direct them to post in the help center section, that's what I do. Also I have a feeling that enforcing a post limit would only increase spam, because of users quickly trying to get around the restriction.
Imo, cutting all new members off from sending private messages just because a few are abusing the feature isn't a good idea. If you are annoyed by the messages just direct them to post in the help center section, that's what I do. Also I have a feeling that enforcing a post limit would only increase spam, because of users quickly trying to get around the restriction.

well you can make the offtopic section NOT COUNT for Posts...that could work?..
well you can make the offtopic section NOT COUNT for Posts...that could work?..

That being said, the "spammers" will spam else where on the forums and/or post useless stuff to increase post count.

Thanks anyways X3sphere :smile:
When i get them i just ignore them, particulary when they have posted in the main forum.

Of course if they ask politely then i always direct them to the help center but TBH most start with 'How do i...'