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Anyone still around?


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
What happened to QJ anyway? Bought out?

Yeah, back in '08 I think it was bought out by another company. I was around for a bit during the transition and was asked to help transition them with the forums but wasn't going to do it free of charge with what they were asking - so Abe, Neil, and myself created MforMature (along with the help of EvilSeph, x3sphere). No clue who actually owns them now, could still be the same guys that were in '08, no clue.
Nope, nope, nope. Don't remeber you!

PS: Good to see you again :)

Haha not sure if serious... But for reference I joined in 05 and I became a moderator when QJ was bought out in 08. Man whoever the guy who bought it out was a nightmare. Had absolutely no forum experience or anything. I remember to try and get members he started some rewards program or something which was flawed from the start. I remember you whoever had to most points (gained by posts, thumbs up, threads started) would win a prize. Well he also had a bot post all the front page articles to the forum, and the bot ended up winning by landslide. He also brought in all the ads and such and was basically hoping to make a quick buck, the only problem was at that time there was probably no more than 10 members on at one time I later convinced him to make me an admin for a bit but that ended quickly when he resold it to someone else. And then the new owners then decided to select new moderators and when they decided to go off of recent posting activity, it ended up going to a few randoms who took advantage of the situation. So I really had no reason to go back.

But just so everyone knows, when you all left I became king of QJ muwuahahah :D

I do miss that community though sometimes, a lot of fun was had.