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Apple calls jailbreaking a possible terrrorist threat


That Guy I Am
Unlocking and jailbreaking of iPhones, since its advent has been giving Apple representatives sleepless nights and headaches; considering the number of times they have been caught unaware of the iPhone Dev team


New Member
Some elements of what they are true


New Member
They might have a point, but then the same could be said about any open source phone.

Although, if it were up to Apple, open source OS's would be illegal, so who knows where they might try to take this.


Active Member
This sounds ridiculous. How much more anti-open source can you get?


I'm not dead
Well if they offered the iphone on anything other than o2 over here then I wouldn't have needed to Jailbreak mine.


Active Member
Yeah, imagine that. A business is against something that threatens them. Bunch of assholes I tells ya.

Mentioning terrorism in a time like these only degrades what it really is and what people are dying over to fight and get rid of.


That guy, who Records Music.
Apple, I think that's a bit too far. It might the point where we can just say. "Fuck you apple, we paid for it, We should be able to use it how we want"


Lovin OS X
This is so far fetched and ridiculous in every way.. There is no way that your going to use there iPhone to take down a cellular tower.. Apple is really going hard against iPhone jailbreaking but there not going to keep people from jailbreaking! I love apple products but Apple as a company needs to quit trying to be such a dictator on their products. Allow Jailbreaking or allow some type of customization to the iphone to where we can code our own extensions to springboard. Extensions with the capability that background, springboard, SBSettings, BiteSMS, and fellow apps provide. Allow OS X to be run on non-apple hardware, and LOOSEN THE APP STORE APPROVAL PROCESS! damnnn

Rant end.


New Member
Maybe if their overpriced products weren't so overpriced then there won't be a need to jailbreak.

Y'know what? Fuck you Pear! (or whatever fruit you are)


That Guy I Am
I think it's stupid because a lot of people in my area bought the ipod touch for the level of customisation that can be achieved AFTER jailbreaking.


That Guy I Am
True, my mistake. However I would have bought the phone whithout contract if it wasn't double the price then my itouch.