• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
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Ban Porn/Hentai game headers and from showing on profiles



Bro why... just why.

If you want to publicise that you play Hentai and Porn games good for you. Fair enough. But I don't want to see that shit.

Why does this site allow these headers to show up on a person's profile?
Why can't I even block these from showing up on a person's profile either?
Take this guy for example in the top of the leaderboard: https://www.exophase.com/user/TheDarkStranger/

He has dozens of porn games on his profile. Ok dude... But I don't want to see this shit. Seriously.

There should be a way to completely hide pornographic games from anyone's profile. Including the header. Numero uno.
Both a way to block them from showing up on other people's profiles AND a way to hide them from others on your own.

Oh and before someone bitches at me. You only need to be THIRTEEN YEARS OLD to sign up to Exophase.
Screenshot 2024-05-31 180910.png

Please, think of the children and no I am not joking. Give us the option to block this shit and it should be ON by default!



@x3sphere You gonna say anything about this dude? Exposing kids to direct links to porn games? You seem to have time to reply to other threads.

At least a "Yeah I'm working on it" would be nice.

EDIT: Forget it, I am done with this ass site. Any site that lets 13 year old kids sign up and direct links them to 18+ games whilst flooding them with images is gonna burn. Good riddance.
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Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
As far as I know, none of the tracking sites filter these games out by default. While I am open to adding the option, we currently don’t track whether a game is classified as “Adult” or “18+” so that would have to be taken care of first.

I did actually look into adding it awhile back, but as it turns out, the way Steam marks adult content in its API is far from straightforward. Basically any game that has an age gate is tagged as adult and that would lead to a lot of games being filtered out - not just the porn ones you mention. There is another way to detect them fortunately, but it’s more complex and I put it on the backburner for now.

You posted this on a Friday, I’ve been busy with other things all weekend and did not have time to respond until now.

Also, the 13+ registration requirement has nothing to do with the content on the site, and I don't think it implies that. It just means we can't accept registrations from anyone under 13 years of old - by law we're not allowed to collect their information.

Our privacy policy specifically mentions that those under 18 cannot use the site unsupervised:
"Children (persons under the age of 18) are not eligible to use the web site unsupervised and we ask that children do not submit any personal information to us. If you are under the age of 18, you may use the web site only in conjunction with and under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian."