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Creative Writing Contest


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Hey guys, I just saw this thread on QJ because someone happened to bump it.

I think it could be very fun to do this, although possibly change the rules around a little bit. We wouldn't have points to give away, and it might be better to lengthen the time for writing to ~2 weeks. If you guys would like, we could start one up.

Length: Try to keep to a maximum of 1000 words, no more than that. Minimum can be ~500.

The winner for each writing can decide on the next scenario for everyone.

Here's a scenario, feel free to write up a quick story for it and we can decide on a final submission date.

You're a lone sheriff of a small town during the 1800's in the Wild West. An outlaw has discovered a secret mine that contains an infinite amount of material used in explosives, which can be used to rob an endless amount of banks as well as harm innocent civilians. You know that you must take down his gang, but can't because he's holding your girlfriend hostage.

Are you to forget about it and allow him to get away with both the dangerous substances and your girlfriend? Or are you going to take up action and try to eliminate the evil fiend?

- You must find a way to deal with these men to uphold the law that you agreed to when you took the pledge to be a sheriff.


New Member
How could he have an infinite amount.. surely it'd run out.. maybe he just has a hell of a lot?

Otherwise if this had an incentive like a prize then I'd enter.