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Custom Game Hour Tracking Totals


New Member
Double checking with some tests but it appears that Custom Games do not appear in our Total Game Hours, which is understandable if annoying.

Is there any chance we could have another label, simply Untracked Games, which did sum up all of them, the same way Xbox/Steam have their own separate categories?

We can pull up a list thankfully easily, but having to manually add achievements/time is annoying even when I only have a few, if I ever add every game I spend a lot of time on it'll balloon that much more.
Adding custom hours to the total is planned. Not exactly sure when the update will be pushed out as it is dependent on some other backend changes but it should be soon hopefully.

To clarify, you're referring to the labels at the top of the profile that show your hours played or that platform when hovered over, correct? Could add a label for non-tracked yeah, maybe it should be opt-in though as I'm not sure everyone will want that.

In the meantime, if you want to see the total playtime for non-tracked games there is a counter displayed in the pie chart on the stats page (shows on hover): https://www.exophase.com/user/Rajvir8/stats/
To clarify, you're referring to the labels at the top of the profile that show your hours played or that platform when hovered over, correct?
I was yea, and good to know it will be coming and that in the meantime I can just go to stats to see the total, as it was one of the main things I wanted.

Could add a label for non-tracked yeah, maybe it should be opt-in though as I'm not sure everyone will want that.
Reasonable, I'd have thought people would mostly like it, as it's just another option, but maybe some wouldn't want it?

Would be mainly useful for seeing at a glance how many are 100% completed, achievement rates etc, assuming custom ones are added, mirroring what they have on other sites.

As an example using my profile, I threw down 48/53 for CS3.

The number alone doesn't mean anything, but I do have a Google Doc, where I'm adding what missing achievements I have, and am currently doing a quick NG+ to cover all of them.

Did it for the other achievements/games on my profile as well.

Related to that, I remember asking last year, but will we ever have the ability to add a custom note section to either our Gamercard, or more ideally our Custom Games? I'd personally throw down a link to the Google Doc, and if it was several lines in the games, I'd just directly write down missing achievements in the notes section.
Could add a label for non-tracked yeah, maybe it should be opt-in though as I'm not sure everyone will want that.
I'm wondering if you could take this a step further and also create a sub-categorize in say tracked platforms where there are games with no achievements.

For example, in the Blizzard section, would be possible to add games like StarCraft Remastered, Warcraft 3 Reforged, and the other games on the Blizzard platform which don't have achievements, but have them specifically count to the total blizzard play time (and global play time as well of course) and act like how switch games are currently implemented on site.

I think I explained that well what I'm hoping you could implement.