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Feature Request: Non-tracked game improvements


New Member
For me one of the killer features vs other sites is the ability to add non tracked games but I think there's a few improvements that would make it much better user experience:

Filter by sub category
I love that I can filter my non-tracked games, but obviously for some people this will end up a large category with many systems. A secondary box to filter by system e.g. PS4, 3DS etc would be great for viewing:

I don't know if it's a bug but playtime in stats for non tracked seems to appear as 60hr for me despite it being more, it would be great if it was fixed. Additionally adding the count to "games played" would be nice. Options like suggested above to breakout per system would be cool too


I feel like this might be controversial for people into the competitive side of tracking, but it would be great for the hours played in manually added in untracked games to show in the profile total. A compromise could possibly be to have a secondary count for them just for people who manually add?

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