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360 Games on Demand (+ More) Update Coming this August/Summer


Meta Moose
I'm gonna have to buy a larger HDD for this... 20GB won't get me far. :p

Engadget said:
Microsoft just announced the details of the next Xbox Live dashboard update, which should start rolling out in waves later this summer. Highlight features include support for Games on Demand (coming in August), a slew of Netflix updates including the ability to browse the library and manage your queue, the long-awaited Movie Party system that allows Gold members to share a flick in a virtual theater, and a ton of other little tweaks like user ratings, avatar enhancements, friends list sorting, and a streamlined Party invite system. Yeah, we think we'll take it. Full release after the break.



That Guy I Am
I hope the games on "games on demand" cost a lot less because that means we won't be able to sell them after.


This will be interesting. I will also have to get a bigger HDD, 20 used to sound like plenty of space.
That avatar item awards thing should be interesting, wonder if one of the awards (if any) for MW2 will be a pair of Night Vision Goggles?