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Heavenly Sword


I just got Heavenly Sword and let me say that THIS is the reason I got a PS3, so far that is, this game is beyond good.

Anyone else picking this up today? Let me know what you think about it. I:w00t: feedback. Where's the :wub: smiley by the way?


Soon to be hardware mod
Would you recommend a buy wait till you finish the game and tell me the play time and replayability first though please and is there online?


No online, not sure if there will be downloadable content, but if you liked God of War you'll love this game. I'll let you know when I finish it, when..not if. I know about newer modes, one called Hell mode but there's also alot of content you can unlock during the game. Some of it you may have, trailers..Making of..Animated Movies, but the artwork unlocks and the videos is cool. Gameplay wise it's unreal....

Kai kicks ass and the aftertouch arrow shooting is awesome..fantastic game.


Soon to be hardware mod
I rented it for a week and am playing it almost non stop gotta watch a bit of ufc but anyways its amazing and I only have 480i. Lot of button mashing but more thought is better and throwing and shooting is amazing.


I beat it yesterday and is by far one of the funnest games i ever played. The controls are awesome and six axis is implemented wonderfully. I would fully recommend this game to anyone. To me it was on a god of war lvl. GET IT

The last battle makes the whole game worth it. The story is epic on a lord of the rings scale. It really is like watching a movie it is done so well and the graphics are fantastic.


Beat it already? Damn..the way the story bounces around I thought it would be a long game. And yeah, it beat out Oblivion as my favorite PS3 game. By a bit, a smidgen methinks.


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Wow... Sounds like the Cheeze needs to try this game out.


Soon to be hardware mod
Can someone tell me how many chapters or swords there ends up being I'm on 3rd one It's a sick game though cheeze should try it out the O move one second level holding R1 is nutz. Also Other day arrow aiming is so fun hit some soldier right in the forehead was nutz.
Edit: finished it after 3 days of on and off play definely to short but it's replayable and it was amazing while it lasted aiming things with sixaxis is stll the funnest though :)


I like the part where Kai is upside down shooting at some soldiers, neat. Yeah, I said that..neat. Fighting the big tub o' lard was fun. I'm still having a blast playing it.


That was cruel and hellaciously funny at the same time. Poor fat bastard. The Fox in the birdcage was hard for me until I figured out that I didn't have to deflect every time, just block..wait for him to land and then proceed to kicking his arse.


Soon to be hardware mod
All I did was roll around a lot for most bosses helped a bunch escpecially for final boss, also fox was so easy first time around I took him out in cage missed with arrows though until the next time when I hit him in the head :)


It goes to his head if your at least aiming at his body. If not you'll miss, I aimed for his ..nether region.. and it hit his head.


It was funny because I used aftertouch and it was going to the right..ahem..area and magically went into his head.

And dude I'm stuck at the biginning of Chapter 5..damn wall..I can't figure out if the catapults or the flaming barrells are the bane for me.

I suck????


Soon to be hardware mod
Yea go for the catapults but if any barrels come close just aim at them dont bother after touch its way easier took me 3 or 4 times but I got it o yea and for final boss I suggest rolling a lot.


I'm rolling alot but he cheats...(I'm at the 2nd half of the fight)

EDIT: Finally beat it, awesome..although..so much for a sequel..