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Newbie to the Forum and Gaming.


New Member
Hi, I'm Amethyst-Star. My real name is Tina. I'm 42 years old, have been married seven years, with no children, and have 3 cats, 2 dogs, and a guinea pig. It's a zoo around here! ;)

I just started gaming more often on the XBOX and my PC. I've had Magic The Gathering on my computer through Steam for quite a while, but just recently bought Evoland and Civilization V. I had to buy my own XBOX 360 for the bedroom, because my husband is addicted to Call of Duty: Black OPS 2! LOL! We also have a PS3 and a Wii, but we don't use them often. My husband likes to keep the PS3 around because it's one of the backwards compatible ones and I like the Wii for the balance board.

I go to college, part-time, online. I'm majoring in web and graphic design. I should graduate in April of 2015 if I don't take anymore time off. I don't watch much TV, except for The Big Bang Theory. I also love collecting My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic stuff. I have watched the first two seasons on Netflix, but not the third. I'm stuck in the 80's and 90's when it comes to music, but do like to listen to Eminem occasionally.

As for games on the XBOX 360, I'm still learning what I like. I tend to play Bejeweled 2, often. I have the original Magic the Gathering, Magic The Gather 2013, Resident Evil 5(found it for only $7 at Game Stop), Tropico 4, Sims 3, Sims 3 Pets, Bejeweled Blitz, Pac Man, Dig Dug, Forza Motorsport 3(my husband wouldn't give up Forza Horizon...lol), NCIS, and a few other games. I don't do many multi-player games, as you can see. I tried the demo of Left 4 Dead 2 and would like to get that game and also Call of Duty: Black OPS 2, if my husband can ever break himself away to let me learn how to play it! LOL!

Not much more to say about me, except that I'm addicted to the internet. I go to various forums, have a Facebook account, a Twitter account, a Blogger(for my weight loss from my recent weight loss surgery), and a Tumblr.

Hope everyone has a great week! :)


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
So from the looks of it you're more of a casual gamer :p I'm more accustomed to the "hardcore" games so I'm having trouble thinking of any games that might interest you asidefrom Pebble (which you may have played). Other than that, Welcome!

Also:By "original" Magic The Gathering which game are you referring to? I doubt you're referring to the original one (1997) - if you are though, that's awesome because it's one of my favorites that many people forget about.


New Member
My bad, I have the one from 2010. That's the only one I know of on the XBOX 360. I did have the one you are referring to a long time ago. Don't even know where it is, anymore. I don't play often, I'll admit. I do like it, though. My brother is really into the card game and even got me a few cards to make into a deck. I don't play it, though. I prefer the PC or XBOX 360. Thanks for the welcome. :)